
Protect yourself from recurring running injuries

Roshini Gilbert

August 4, 2023

Injuries are the biggest obstacle any runner faces, and during a long-distance competitive run like a marathon, I’d advise you be extra-careful to ensure old wounds don’t flare up.

Some things you can keep in mind before the big race:

The right biomechanics This means running with good posture, correcting the wrong muscle and joint articulation within a particular movement, anatomical issues etc. Keeping the torso straight , not arching your lower back, landing mid foot forward, swinging your arms, landing lightly with knee slightly bent, etc are good techniques to be followed to prevent injuries.

The right kind of footwear Choosing the wrong kind of footwear is one of the most common reasons for running injuries.

Strength workouts Ensure your body is prepared for the rigour of a race by doing the right kind of strength workouts essential to build stronger muscle and joint structure to support the intensity of activity. See our previous post for more on that.

Most injuries heal, as long as you stay off your feet through the pain and irritation. A routine of rehab exercises is highly recommended to strengthen the affected muscle and supporting musculature as well. Proper rest and icing are required to keep the injury in check. Stretching, strengthening, pressure point massages etc must be attended to prevent relapse of the injury.

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About the Author

After a diligent workout plan helped her lose 30kg of post-pregnancy weight, chartered accountant Roshini Gilbert was inspired enough to go from tallying numbers to training others. Currently serving as VP, Fitness & Services, at HealthifyMe, Roshini has been certified by the American Council on Exercises (ACE) for functional fitness and specialises in postnatal weight loss, exercises for lower back pain, arthritis and osteoporosis. As part of her Rehab Trainer certification in Australia, Roshini has trained with reputed sports physiotherapist, Ulrik Larsen in corrective exercises and injury management. In HealthifyMe, she has found a collaborator with a common cause – making people fit to live life to the fullest.

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One response to “Protect yourself from recurring running injuries”

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Your attitude is amzanig, I hope I will always be able to look on the bright side like you do. I wanted to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas.

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