Jeera Water – Benefits, Side Effects and Jeera Weight Loss

Kamala Somasundaram
November 14, 2022
Kamala Somasundaram
November 14, 2022
Cumin, or jeera, is a millennium-old spice that leaves an unmistakable, unique taste in your mouth. A sprinkle or two adds a flavor worthy of a kick and a punch into any dish, leaving its unique combination of aromatic tang and punchy heat inside. But did you know that drinking jeera water could benefit your health?
Jeera has a surprisingly revitalizing rusty taste that goes right through your body. Jeera is known to contain thymol, a chemical that stimulates the pancreas to produce enzymes and bile. This property therefore improves the overall digestion of carbs and fats within the body.
It also contains cumin aldehyde, a chemical, when just sniffed, rouses digestive enzymes and triggers salivation impulse.
Jeera is an intensely studied ingredient among researchers. It has a laundry list of proven health benefits to offer.
One of the most well-known jeera water uses. The powerful anti-gas chemicals protect against irritable bowel disease and solve flatulence, belching, and burps in a flash. It should be first on the list of everyone looking for a simple, quick remedy for their stomach woes.
The thymoquinone contained within the jeera protects the liver. This single chemical is so powerful that it has researchers seeking to extract the compound. They are eager to market in the form of capsules to improve digestion.
Cumin water is all natural made in a simple, easy to prepare manner that doesn’t have any unknown side effects.
Jeera is medically proven to prevent free radicals from causing damage with its potent scavenging abilities. It enhances the liver’s natural detoxification pathways and aids in overall detoxification and rejuvenation.
Health begins in the gut, and jeera contains compounds that promote liver health and stimulate digestive enzymes. It helps your body acquire more nutrition from food to naturally detox and heal you better.
A popular remedy, jeera/cumin water consumed with a pinch of black pepper and honey is an aphrodisiac tonic. The aftertaste is a tangy kick to your taste buds.
A study conducted with 78 overweight participants, has proven that Jeera water is helpful for weight loss. They were given jeera 3 times a day for 2 months, a significant reduction in fat was noticed, along with improved insulin sensitivity and reduced stomach size.
With constant blood sugar spikes, your blood sugar skyrockets and nosedives constantly and tires out your insulin-producing pancreas. So, jeera makes your body more sensitive to insulin and reduces your blood sugar levels in the long run. You must keep a check upon your sugar levels and shouldn’t ignore a good diet. Along with these, a proper physical activity is also essential.
Drizzle some honey and freshly squeezed lemon along with a pinch of salt into your jeera water to keep your cells hydrated and fresh. In order to provide water and electrolytes to your body and keep them working at peak condition, drinking Jeera water is a great way to accomplish that. For instance, you are experiencing nausea and dizziness post workout. This is because you might have skipped your breakfast and having this prevents you from these.
Cumin water is a phenomenally safe method of improving general wellness. However, there are some side effects that we will be addressing later in the article .
Obesity is a serious condition that causes a chain reaction of health issues and disrupts the mental health of those suffering with the condition. For example, Increased visceral fat, high body mass indexes, and insulin resistance are some of the major causes of serious metabolic disorders.
Concerning the above condition, jeera water improves your body mass index and insulin sensitivity consistently with moderate doses outside the lab, and is medically proven to do so inside the lab as well.
Just a teaspoon of this water has 7 calories. It is interesting to know that those 7 calories are more densely packed with nutrition than several other foods. You must have not paid close attention to it, but exercising on an empty stomach is a strain. However, sipping cumin water before going on a morning exercise routine takes care of the potential acidity issues. It also keeps you hydrated and calm for a good workout.
The new fad of consuming Apple cider vinegar is on its peak. Rightly so, as it has compounds that prevent fat deposition when consumed and is purported to improve metabolic efficiency. Thus, allowing stable weight loss while maintaining satiety.
Adding this to your jeera water enhances its benefits and the probiotic bacteria present in the vinegar improves your gut microbiome.
Jeera is a legendary herbal remedy for pregnant women suffering from morning sickness. Other than this, it helps in many other pregnancy related issues like, it reduces pain, bloating, constipation, flatulence, insomnia during pregnancies and might even facilitate easier childbirth.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease or simply called GERD is a frequent complaint among pregnant women. The increased pressure in the abdominals results in acid reflux and indigestion from carrying the baby. So, the carminative properties of cumin water offers serious relief in a simple manner which can otherwise be frustrating.
The stress of childbirth and carrying a child can spike blood pressure. The high magnesium and potassium composition in it provides valuable electrolytes that let your heart work with ease.
Wondering how you’d like to enjoy a glass of jeera right now? Does seeing all the benefits make you long for the refreshing taste of jeera/cumin water?
The best advantage of it is the ease with which you can make a glass. Let me show you a quick, simple technique of enjoying a glass of this refreshing drink in minutes.
That’s all for now. Enjoy the taste of the fresh and revitalizing drink. For the best results, enjoy it on an empty stomach in the mornings, and to keep your acid reflux at bay, drink it at night.
For an even more delicious drink, add a pinch of cinnamon, ginger, and honey to it. You won’t regret it!
If consumed wrongly, with the wrong quantity of jeera, can have side effects. The concoction becomes poisonous, so make sure to stay away from excessive jeera no matter how tempted you may get. Moderation is key here.
Let us look at the potential negative effects of consuming jeera:
Take Note that jeera has a profound ability to reduce blood sugar levels because of the nutrients it contains. You need to keep a check in the quantity if made for diabetics and pregnant women.
Never take too much at once, and always back off and enjoy your drink with less jeera if in doubt. Your medical provider might recommend you to reduce or cease drinking jeera water during pregnancies or if you have diabetes.
Consult your doctor if drinking jeera water is all right for you. Most people can consume jeera safely with no side effects.
Your medical provider might recommend you to stay away from jeera. There is a rare but possible condition where excessive amounts of jeera can result in lower production of breast milk. If you suspect this is the case, cease jeera water immediately and consult your doctor.
In conclusion, jeera water is a simple, safe, all-natural, and healthy drink. It is easily accessible to most people, and nearly no one experiences its side effects.
The fantastic benefits it offers are available to everyone. If consumed in moderation and consistency, it will give you dependable, steady results in improving your overall health.
It is time-tested from ages and is popular around the world. It will never stop ceasing to offer that refreshing cool tang the moment it touches your lips. Make it a part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle. Drink it every day for the safe, steady health benefits it offers.
A. People with diabetes and bleeding disorders should be careful about the quantity of jeera being consumed. Having too much jeera water might lower the blood sugar level and affect one’s clotting mechanism as well.
A. Yes, jeera water can be taken anytime of the day.
A. Jeera plays a role in digestion and keeps your gut clean. Better digestion improves metabolism and plays a key role in losing weight.
A. Jeera water will not help specifically in reducing belly fat. However, by improving metabolism, it helps in overall fat loss combined with other factors.
A. Yes, since jeera water is a detoxifier, you can have this drink every day.
A. Jeera Water contains a chemical known as thymol that helps the pancreas to produce enzymes and bile, promoting digestion. Better digestion is directly responsible for reducing belly fat.
A. Yes, you can consume Jeera Water without boiling it. All you need to do is soak jeera in a glass of water for 10 mins and drink it directly after straining it.
A. Yes, Jeera has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties which will help with relieving period cramps.
A. Jeera Water and Lemon detox water are drinks that are considered best for weight loss.
A. Morning is the optimal time for drinking Jeera Water. It can be consumed as a detoxifier or even a stomach coolant.
A. Jeera water is an anti-gas remedy. It helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system.
A. Rich in antioxidants, jeera water helps treat acne and blemishes. It also helps to achieve glowing skin.
A. Yes, Jeera water is a stomach coolant and can help you sleep better.
A. This would depend on a number of factors, like, your body type, daily food intake, work-out routine, work schedule and water intake.
A. No, quite the opposite. Jeera Water helps you lower your blood pressure.
A. You can drink Jeera water twice a day to help with enhanced calorie burn which will help indirectly with weight loss/ management
It is really helpful for weight loss and belly fat.
After reading your article and the benefits of cumin seeds, now I am a fan of jeera water for weight loss, thanks for giving me these tips.🥰
I hear you should not drink more than a 1/2 teaspoon oi cumoin per day. is that true? how many times a day can you drink the receipe? 1/2 teaspoon and 1 1/2 cup of water
I boil 2 cups of water add a piece of ginger 1/2 tsp saunf and 1/2 tsp cumin seeds boil for 15 min, strain and drink all day.
I just boil the water in a jug and add cumin, ginger, honey and apple cider vinegar. Is that an okay way to make jerra water or must you boil all the ingredients to obtain a better result?
great article, thank you for this wonderful information about this jeera powder it works wonders
Hi I have diabetes and my blood tests have been sitting at 26 / 29 . For the last 3 months I have been making jeera water my bloods are know down to 5.4 /5.8 I even had 4.8 very happy with that.
Plus I have lost 1 half stone . I take it very morning and do 20 /25 minutes exercise on my twist and shape every morning. VERY HAPPY
Can I drink Jeera water Every day morning in empty stomach
Are jeera seeds the same as cumin seeds?
Once I make it how long is it good for in the refrigerator? I’d like to make enough for at least a few days. Or is it best to serve hot? Does the microwave affect it?
Hi, Can we reuse the jeera seeds that have been straine out of the water?
can we mix a pinch of jeera into water to drink whole day instead of regular water to reduce fat
Can i drink it in ulcerative colitis?
To make jeera water you say to use 2 cups of water, bring to boil, wait for 2 hours, then allow to cool. Sorry, but the water will all have evaporated a long time before two hours is up! You need to write thesis instructions again.
Just wanted to ask, what to do with the left over jeera after straining it?
ty for info. however your directions to make cumin water are unhelpful. if, as directed, i boil 2 cups of water for an hour, the water will be all gone.
Hi did u mean boil the water for an hour after adding jeera or after boiling it to leave it on for an hour?
Is it bad to consume only jeera water entire day ??
Over night soaked jeera water Mor can we boil with ginger and cinnamon and drink
Can I gulp in a spoonful of roasted jeera in the night, instead of jeera water?
Iam giving breastfeeding shall I drink jeera water
Can i drink jeera water during periods?
What is the exact amount of jeera to be taken?
Can I get jeera with out water
Yes, you can use jeera without water
Jeera Water is easy to prepare in daily life schedule, after looking at the advantages of it; i am pretty much sure it will help in burning fat as mentioned it improves metabolism.
From last few weeks i was wondering how do i easily manage metabolism for better weight loss practice, it seems jeera water may help.
Thankyou Kamala Somasundaram
Hi Rahul, We are so grateful for your kind words. Thanks for sharing your review with us.
Good stuff let me try