Giloy For Diabetes – An Ayurvedic Remedy

Parul Dube
January 19, 2023
Parul Dube
January 19, 2023
Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicinal system, has presented us with the many wonders of nature.
For example, research has found that the plant giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) can be used to naturally treat various diseases and ailments. Some of them are fever, gout, urinary issues, Hansen’s disease, colds and coughs, asthma, jaundice, eye problems, and skin infections.
Many need help understanding the importance of Giloy. But, even if they do, they might think about whether it is healthy for managing chronic conditions like diabetes.
This article explores how giloy is suitable for diabetes patients and why it should get introduced into a diabetic’s diet.
Giloy, a member of the Menispermaceae botanical family, is a climbing shrub native to India. However, you may also find the herb growing in China.
People generally use all parts of the plant, but the stem contains the most beneficial compounds. Research has revealed various compounds in giloy, including terpenoids, alkaloids, lignans, and steroids.
Terpenoids, active compounds in plants, are known for their distinctive flavour, taste, and colour. Additionally, these compounds possess antibacterial, antiviral, anticancer, and anti-diabetic properties.
Humans have used plant alkaloids since ancient times as poisons and treatments for various diseases. These compounds are incredibly potent and source of bitterness in some plants.
It is fascinating to think about the history and uses of alkaloids in human society. They have also become the foundation for many medicines that we use today.
Substances known as lignans are primarily found in fibrous plants. They potentially block the growth of microbes such as fungi, viruses, and other pathogens.
In addition, they may also protect cells from oxidative damage due to their purported anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Plants containing steroid compounds can potentially lower cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, they also provide skin health and wound healing benefits.
Several experts believe that giloy extract may have hypoglycemic and anti-diabetic properties. Insulin is a peptide hormone that helps to regulate blood sugar levels.
Giloy, the Ayurvedic herb, can help the body to naturally create insulin, which can be beneficial in managing diabetes. Additionally, giloy can enhance the digestive system and gut health, assisting in dibetes management. It is because digestive health determines how efficiently our bodies absorb nutrients from food.
Giloy may be effective in reducing insulin resistance, improving glucose utilisation, reducing oxidative stress, and increasing the antioxidant status of cells.
All these could potentially bring down blood glucose levels. However, further research is needed to confirm these effects and to understand the mechanisms by which giloy may help to control blood sugar levels.
Research suggests that the heart-shaped leaf-bearing herb, giloy, offers numerous advantages.
The bitter flavour herb is beneficial for diabetic patients, as it helps to manage and control blood glucose levels. Giloy can also help with weight management, an essential factor for people with diabetes. Besides consuming raw giloy, one can consume it in many forms, such as tablets and syrups.
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Giloy can help manage complications associated with diabetes, such as ulcers, wounds, and kidney damage. Research also show that giloy has a protective role against inflammatory conditions.
A recent study has found that giloy has strong anti-diabetic properties. Its qualities help the body burn off excess glucose and, consequently, lower blood sugar levels. Additionally, it is a hypoglycemic agent, which helps decrease blood glucose levels.
Giloy is a beneficial herb for diabetes since it is a hypoglycemic agent that lowers blood glucose levels. Additionally, its anti-diabetic effects promote insulin secretion. Moreover, the high fibre content slows down digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates, aiding in regulating blood sugar levels.
There are several ways to consume giloy for diabetes management:
Extracting the juice from the stem of the giloy plant and consuming it on an empty stomach every morning is a simple way to use this herb for diabetes management. The herb has hypoglycemic and anti-diabetic properties, which can help reduce blood sugar levels.
Take pieces of giloy stem and boil it in water. Strain the water and let it cool down. Drink it on an empty stomach or before meals.
Giloy supplements come in tablet and capsule form. However, one should follow the dosage prescribed by a healthcare professional.
Mixing giloy and neem juice in equal proportions and consuming them daily can bring the best results. It is because both of them are known for their anti-diabetic properties.
To make giloy shots, start by boiling some water. Then add a stem of giloy, a piece of ginger, and 2-3 tulsi leaves. Finally, add black pepper, cloves, and lime juice, and it’s ready to drink.
Although giloy is generally safe when taken in the right amounts, one can experience side effects if they overc onsume giloy or take it for a long time.
Some potential side effects of consuming giloy include:
Too much giloy juice or decoction can lead to stomach discomfort, nausea, or diarrhoea.
Those with diabetes should exercise caution when consuming giloy as it can reduce the blood sugar levels to a dangerous low. In addition, people already taking medications to regulate their blood sugar should pay special attention and closely monitor their levels when consuming this herb.
Giloy may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners, diabetes medications, and immunosuppressant drugs. Therefore, people taking any medication should consult a doctor before consuming Giloy.
Pregnant and lactating women should not take giloy due to insufficient data on its safety for these populations. Therefore, it is best to abstain from taking it.
If you have an allergy to giloy, you may experience rash, itching, and difficulty breathing after consuming it. If this occurs, stop using the herb and seek medical help immediately.
It is essential to remember that self-medication with giloy is not advisable. Always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or a doctor before using it for diabetes management. Furthermore, it is advisable to monitor blood sugar levels before and after ingesting giloy. Giloy can also cause your blood sugar levels to drop too low, which is dangerous. Therefore, if you use giloy to control your diabetes, talk to your doctor and take your medications as directed.
For centuries, Indian Ayurvedic medicine has utilised giloy for various medicinal purposes. Taking giloy can help to bolster your immune system and regulate your blood sugar levels.
As long as you follow the instructions on the product label, consuming giloy is usually safe. However, it is always beneficial to consult a healthcare professional before taking herbal supplements.
Dietary and lifestyle modifications are essential for managing diabetes. HealthifyPro 2.0 has certified nutritionists dedicated to helping you improve your health.
The coaches provide expert advice to support you in managing your diabetes and living a healthier life. So, if you want a holistic approach to managing diabetes, talk to a HealthifyMe nutritionist today.
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