
Trick and motivate your mind into exercise mode

Roshini Gilbert

May 27, 2019

The one feeling you experience the most when you put on excess weight is a loss of control. You can see the inches are piling up on your waist, arms and thighs and you are unable to motivate yourself to do anything about it. Why? Because brain resists change and will find excuses to put off exercising.

But snap out of inertia and trick your mind into getting into exercise mode. Here’s how:

The hurdle – I don’t want to exercise!

Get over it. Pick a personal goal, something that will really make you happy. Like getting back into that pair of skinny jeans or participating in next year’s marathon. If it helps, pin up a photo of yourself in that pair of jeans on your cupboard so that your goal is visible to you every day.

The hurdle – I don’t have time

Get over it. Start slow. Even 20 minutes a day is a good start. Gradually, add minutes to your routine as you get comfortable with it.

The hurdle – It’s too hard

Get over it. Accept that exercise is hard. Expect your muscles to ache, you will hate getting up early in the morning, you will feel tired. When you expect pain, you feel it less. But remember, any habit takes 21 days to form. So if you rough it out in the initial two weeks, chances are high that you will reach your goal.

The hurdle – I don’t feel motivated

Get over it. Set a realistic goal. Say, dropping five kilos in two months. Once you achieve this, set and move to the next.

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About the Author

After a diligent workout plan helped her lose 30kg of post-pregnancy weight, chartered accountant Roshini Gilbert was inspired enough to go from tallying numbers to training others. Currently serving as VP, Fitness & Services, at HealthifyMe, Roshini has been certified by the American Council on Exercises (ACE) for functional fitness and specialises in postnatal weight loss, exercises for lower back pain, arthritis and osteoporosis. As part of her Rehab Trainer certification in Australia, Roshini has trained with reputed sports physiotherapist, Ulrik Larsen in corrective exercises and injury management. In HealthifyMe, she has found a collaborator with a common cause – making people fit to live life to the fullest.

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5 responses to “Trick and motivate your mind into exercise mode”

  1. Healthify is the best thing that happened in my life Thank you…… & ur tips on motivating one self to exercise are V. Good I have shed 7 kgs in 2 months all bcoz of Healthify !!!!!

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