
6 tips for choosing a gym

Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

February 24, 2021

You’re getting serious about your weight loss regimen, and a gym membership seems like a good way to get your daily quota of exercise. But don’t be swayed by state-of-the-art machines and swanky interiors. Before putting down the money, weigh these six factors:

Is it close to your office or home?

One way to ensure you don’t skip your workout is by choosing a gym close to home or work. A five to eight minute distance is ideal. If you’re pressed for time, it’s unlikely that you will drive even 20 minutes for a workout. A gym that stays open all night is a big plus too.

 Do they offer a workout you’ll enjoy?

If your preferred form of cardio is aerobics, do they offer a class? Or if you’re seriously into strength training, do they have a space where you can do bodyweight workouts or foam rolling? To ensure you stay motivated to workout, it’s important you think long term and choose a fitness plan you feel passionate about. So make sure the gym you choose offers it.

 What do the online reviews say?

Are the trainers helpful, even if you don’t opt for personal training? Most gyms have a Facebook page, so check and see what other members are saying about the service before signing up.

Are there any hidden costs?

Do you have to pay extra for Yoga or Pilates? Are there any discounts on the spa treatments? Make sure you know what the additional costs are.

Is it clean?

Gyms can be a hotbed of germs, if they aren’t properly cleaned. While surveying a potential gym, check the bathrooms and corners for dust and grime. Also see if the machines and weights are being wiped down with anti-bacterial agents after use. Finding clean towels in a fresh smelling locker room is a good sign. 

Does it suit your pre and post workout routine?

Do they offer any healthy pre-workout snacks? If you’re headed to work after, make sure they have a good shower. If you enjoy a steam or sauna after working out, check for those facilities too.

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About the Author

Saravanan “Sharu” Hariram is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer with a passion for bodybuilding. Combining his love for fitness with his career, Sharu did his certification in Sports Nutrition, and Rehabilitation and Healing Nutrition. Currently a Master Trainer with HealthifyMe, he specializes in Weight Management, Marathon Training, and Physical Rehabilitation. In his 20+ years of experience, Sharu has always maintained that one’s mind must have control over their body in order to lead a healthy life. At HealthifyMe, he continues to follow his passion while helping those around him realise their fitness goals.

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2 responses to “6 tips for choosing a gym”

  1. I like the tip that you gave to choose a gym that will be close to where you will need to go afterward. My wife and I have been talking about going to the gym more often to help with our high blood pressure, and it would be important for me to know that I would be able to get to work on time afterward. If we choose to get a gym membership, I will be sure to look for one that is close to my work.

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