
Yoga for Digestion – 5 Yoga Poses to Help Aid Digestion

Chaitanya Varma

December 7, 2021

The health benefits of yoga are known the world over. Apart from providing mental peace, it can also help target specific problems like a bad back, boost a sluggish metabolism, help torch fat, lose weight on the belly or ease digestive woes.

It’s true! Whether you’ve succumbed to a big meal or are suffering from bloating, indigestion or acidity, yoga may be the way out.

Ease your digestive problems with these five yoga poses.


Also known as The “wind-relieving pose” Apanasana is simple.wind-relieving pose

What it does

Provides relief from bloating and gas pains, and improves digestion.

Do it

Lie on your back and place the feet on the floor, directly beneath the knees. Inhale and take your hands to the knees. Exhale and bring the knees to the belly. Hug hard but only till the pose is comfortable. Rock your knees from side to side to maximise the stretch. Stay in the pose for 5-10 full breaths and release. Do the pose five times.


Also known as Half Lord of the FishesHalf Lord of the Fishes

What it does

Compress the colon from right to left improves digestion. Twists also help cleanse the digestive system. Blood flow to the digestive organs is reduced when you twist; new blood enters when you release.

Do it

Bend your left leg and place the left foot on the ground over the right knee. Bend the right leg and fold so that it rests on the ground, the right heel near the left buttock. Bring the right hand over the left leg and grab the big toe of the left foot. Inhale and while exhaling twist the trunk of the body as much as you can. Turn your neck so that your gaze is over the left shoulder and encircle the waist with your left hand, the palm facing outwards.


Also known as Child’s PoseChild’s Pose

What it does

This yoga move compresses the abdomen and massages internal organs. It normalises blood circulation and stimulates the digestive system.

Do it

Gets into a kneeling position on a yoga mat or the floor. Your knees should be together and your buttocks should be near your feet. Exhale and slowly rest the torso over the thighs so that your forehead touches the mat. Your palms should be on the floor; extend your arms until you feel your shoulder blades stretching across your back. Feel the torso lengthening and the stretch in the spine.


Also known as The Bridge Pose or “Setu Bandha Sarvangasana”The Bridge Pose

What it does

This pose helps improve blood circulation, stimulates the abdominal organs and improves digestion.

Do it

This mild inversion is simple. Lie down on the floor with your knees bent. Keep your arms beside your body and your feet flat on the floor. Lift up your hips and keep them there to give your chest a good stretch. For better digestion, try a variation. Lift up one hip and hold the pose for five breaths. Repeat on the other side.


Also known as Reclining Bound Angle Pose

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What it does

Apart from helping relieve the symptoms of stress and mild depression, this pose stimulates your abdominal organs and improves mobility in digestive organs.

Do it

Lies supine on the floor? Bend your knees, place your feet together flat on the ground and bring your heels close to the groins. Press your palms down into the floor beside your hips. As you exhale, contract the abdominal muscles and move the tailbone under and towards the pubic bone. Slowly allow your knees to open up open and float towards the ground. There will be a stretch across the inner thighs and groin. Bring the soles of the feet together and let the outer edge of feet rest on the ground.

About the Author

Chaitanya Varma followed up his B.E (Telecommunications) degree with a Yoga Trainer certification from S-VYASA University. A strong believer in the discipline, Chaitanya spent 6 years of his career training individuals in Yoga. In HealthifyMe, he found a group of individuals that matched his passion and vision for this ancient set of physical, mental and spiritual practices, and their use for the betterment of one's health. Chaitanya currently serves as a Head of Team (Yoga Services) at HealthifyMe. In his spare time, Chaitanya chooses to further his knowledge of Therapeutic Yoga, and Yoga practices.

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10 responses to “Yoga for Digestion – 5 Yoga Poses to Help Aid Digestion”

  1. Hi Seema,
    My mother used to tell me to do some Yoga after waking up as I had been suffering from bloating and gas. But I never listen to her. Now that it has gone worse, I am thinking about starting Yoga. Thanks for sharing these 5 Yoga poses to help digestion. Will definitely try it. Cheers!

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