Weight Loss Diet: How to Build Fiber in Your Food

Alpa Momaya
March 2, 2021
Alpa Momaya
March 2, 2021
In weightloss fiber is an unsung diet hero. Despite offering crucial health benefits – reducing bad cholesterol, managing weight, improving bowel health and regulating blood sugar
According to the USFDA guidelines, a 2,000-calorie diet will need around 15 g of dietary fiber a day. However, consuming fiber does not mean stuffing yourself with fruit and salad. Here’s how you can increase fiber content in your three main meals:
Have dalia, instead of cereal and multigrain bread or chapatti instead of toast. Sprinkle oats with flaxseeds. Consuming a small bowl of fruit like papaya or apples will also power up.
Swap that sandwich with chana salad or cooked chana with chapati. Chana, or chickpea, is rich in fiber and a cup contains as much as 12.5 grams worth of fiber. Eating fiber-rich food will help you stay full for longer and also keep your energy levels higher than they would be with a simple carbohydrate-rich meal – a cheese sandwich, aloo paratha, rice and sabzi etc. Carbs release energy quickly, leading to a sugar high followed by a slump that can make you drowsy all afternoon.
Evening snack
Skip biscuits, munch on warm dalia khichdi cooked with crunchy veggies. Or snack on peanuts — 100 gms contain 8 gms of fiber. In addition, the nuts are also rich in bone-building calcium and magnesium that helps you relax and sleep better.
Sneak in legumes like red beans and lotus stem for more fiber.
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