New Year Eve Party: Alcohol Guide for Dieters

Alpa Momaya
December 30, 2019
Alpa Momaya
December 30, 2019
New Year’s may not be the best time to ponder over weighty matters, but for those of you planning a booze binge beware – it can wreak havoc with your waistline. This New Year eve party alcohol guide for dieters can guide how not to dilute the fun but still stay true to your diet plan.
Alcohol is made by fermenting sugar and starch, so being high on alcohol is equivalent to being high on sugars and calories, approximately seven calories per gram. A standard glass of wine, for instance, contains the same number of calories as a piece of chocolate or four cookies while five pints of beer can equal 44,200 kcal every year – it’s like eating 221 doughnuts. Alcohol is also said to stimulate appetite. Studies have shown that people consume more calories and eat less healthful food on days they drank than on days they didn’t.
Which is why during this season of revelry, plan before you party. Here’s how your drinks can meet measure:
Call for champagne At 100 calories in a 5-ounce serving, is low calorie.
Lighten up on beer Switch to a light brand and save 35 to 50 calories per beer.
No creamy cocktails Cocktail mixers are more problematic than spirits. Sugary soft drinks, juices, syrups, cream and cordials can double or triple the calorie content in drinks. Save calories by mixing with diet soda or calorie-free choices such as club soda, tonic water, tap water or ice. Go for a basic vodka martini, which has only 127 calories..
Drink wine spritzers A glass of wine has about 100 calories. Replace half the wine with soda or sparkling water and cut the calories by half.
Alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks Make every other drink a non-alcoholic one, for instance replace every other gin and tonic with tonic water with lime, and you’ll save calories.
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