Marinara Sauce – A Perfect Dip for a Healthy You

Zoomi Singh
July 5, 2022
Zoomi Singh
July 5, 2022
Marinara is a kind of tomato sauce made with garlic, onion, basil, and dried oregano and is extremely popular in Italian cuisine. It is also called ❝Alla Marina ❞ . It continues to rule as a dip in several Italian dishes. The property which makes it unique is its natural ingredients and less cooking time. With times, marinara is available in wide varieties. Using white wine in making this sauce has become quite common in western culture. Usually, basil and even parsley garnish is added to this sauce for a natural fresh flavour.
The marinara sauce has more nutritional value than any other pasta sauce. It offers a load of health benefits because of its nutrient-rich profile. It promotes heart health, improves digestive health, keeps bones strong, protects Skin from UV rays and revitalises hair growth, among other health benefits.
Marinara’s rich taste and versatile nature are important reasons for it being a sauce everyone loves. The serving temperature of marinara is hot as it is paired mostly with pizza, lasagna, and meatballs which are served hot. It has a runny texture with a slightly sweet taste. American dishes like chicken parmesan, spaghetti, and Menudo contain marinara sauce too. One can consume it with meat and other vegetables also.
As per USDA hundred grams of marinara sauce holds the following nutritional values:
Marinara sauce holds a reasonably decent nutritional profile due to its nutrient-rich ingredients. Since it does not contain high calories and carbohydrates, you can use it as a dip with your meals. However, you should only consume it in moderation because it contains high fat. Besides, it is a good source of vitamin B3 and vitamin K can offer a few health benefits.
The main ingredient of marinara sauce is lycopene, a potent antioxidant that helps in protecting cells from damage. Lycopene is responsible for the red colour in vegetables like tomatoes. A study shows that lycopene has chemopreventive properties. It protects against cancer by preventing oxidative damage, especially in prostate cancer. It also can potentially prevent the transformation of normal cells into cancer cells.
Marinara sauce is rich in potassium with 216 mg per 100 grams portion. Potassium helps in the formation of strong bones and muscle damage. It also helps in synthesising proteins and metabolising carbohydrates. Muscle damage, fatigue, constipation, feeling of skipped heartbeat or palpitations, and tingling or numbness are some of the main symptoms of potassium deficiency. Potassium’s effect on the kidney and heart is part of extensive research. As per a study, it regulates electrolyte balance and blood pressure by affecting cell voltage.
The marinara sauce has 13.9 µg of vitamin K per 100 grams. In addition, vitamin K helps make various proteins needed for blood clotting and building blocks. It also benefits cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, and ulcer colitis.
As per a study, vitamin K, mostly known for its coagulation function, is needed to prevent osteoporosis, bone loss and vascular calcification. Although deficiency of vitamin k is not fatal, ignoring it may lead to some age-related problems.
Niacin, often known as vitamin B3, is required for regular organ function. It is not only used in converting food into energy but is also helpful in maintaining the digestive system and skin healthy. In addition, it helps in lowering cholesterol, treating arthritis, and in brain functions.
According to the study, niacin is in drugs that help treat hypercholesterolemia and statin intolerance. So marinara sauce, a good source of niacin, may be helpful in these aspects of the human body.
We are ready to spend thousands on our skin regarding smooth and wrinkle-free skin. However, simply incorporating tomatoes can be a solution to glowing skin. Therefore, the marinara sauce with its main ingredient, tomato, which contains lycopene, helps maintain skin health. Lycopene is known to have an antioxidant effect on the skin, which helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles and promotes skin health. Moreover, a study states that lycopene protects against acute and potential long-term effects of photodamage.
Lycopene is known to protect against post-menopausal symptoms. In addition, according to a study consuming at least seven servings of lycopene-based products is helpful for post-menopausal women to reduce cardiovascular risk.
Another study demonstrated that lycopene confers a protective effect against post-menopausal syndromes. Therefore, marinara helps women in this stage.
As per USDA, marinara only has 2µg of cholesterol which heart patients can take without causing much harm. Also, the presence of lycopene may reduce the risk of heart diseases. The study also says myocardial infarction and wall thickness get reduced in people with a higher adipose concentration in lycopene.
If you don’t have basil, you can add parsley for flavour.
The nutritional value of three stuffed pasta shells is:
Marinara sauce is a dipping sauce traditionally. Even though marinara sauce has fewer components, you can substitute it with some pasta and pizza sauces. It is a thinner and simpler sauce that cooks more quickly. Depending on the kind of tomatoes used, they may be suitable for different dishes.
Since most sauces don’t have preservatives, it becomes crucial to store or refrigerate the sauce properly. Avoid spoilage or wastage of any sauce; this is also important to preserve food products’ quality and nutritional properties. Food is mainly affected by the action of bacteria, which are very active at room temperature.
The best way to store marina sauces is by removing them from their original packaging. You can use airtight jars or plastic containers to keep it at room temperature, but the best is to refrigerate it for more prolonged use.
You can open a jar of marinara sauce for three to five days under refrigerated conditions. While refrigerating, you must take care that it should be poured first into an airtight jar so that its original taste does not fade. Storing sauce in an open container can lead to odours of other food in the fridge getting mixed with marinara and can change the sauce’s flavour.
You can also use a heavy-top zip-top bag to store marinara sauce. A small container has less air exposure and fewer chances of getting spoiled. Please discard the sauce immediately if it has signs of mould formation, odour, or bad taste. If you want to extend the shelf life of any pasta or marinara, freeze it in covered airtight containers or heavy zipped freezer bags at a temperature of about 40 ℉ Or more. Do not put hot sauce directly into the container. First, let it cool for some time, and then put the sauce in the airtight bag and refrigerate to balance the temperature.
As tomato is the main ingredient of marinara sauce, it can lead to rare allergies accompanied by symptoms like wheezing, coughing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, or even sometimes abdominal cramps. In addition, rashes on the skin appear in allergies related to tomatoes.
A study reports allergic reactions to tomatoes. These include urticaria/angioedema, dermatitis, oral allergy syndrome, rhinitis, and abdominal pain. This study aimed to report two patients with significant immediate hypersensitivity reactions to tomato and characterise the responsible allergen. As the marinara sauce is rich in tomatoes, patients shouldn’t include much of this in their diet before consulting with their doctor or registered dietician.
Marinara sauce can sometimes become a problem for blood pressure patients as it is high in sodium. However, this effect depends on how much serving an individual takes, as sodium can increase the chances of osteoporosis and heart problems. So it’s not advisable to take large servings of the sauce. But, as per the study, reducing sodium intake can help people with high blood pressure.
Sodium and its adverse effect on health require further study. It is advisable to keep sodium levels low in heart patients. The good thing about marinara is some brands have low sugar and low sodium content, and such patients can also enjoy its taste.
Vitamin K is in marinara sauce in a reasonable amount and has coagulation properties. Therefore, taking it with tablets is like warfarin, commonly called coumadin, which slows down the process of making clots, and can be counterproductive. Now, in one place, one is eating products rich in vitamin K, which helps in coagulation and at the same time taking tablets that slow down the process of coagulation will only lead to reverse mechanisms. A research study on the same explains the adverse medicinal interactions.
If you are on a low or negligible potassium diet, consuming a potassium-rich product may become a problem and can reverse the results. So it is advisable to contact your registered dietitian or doctor before consuming.
Marinara sauce is an Italian sauce made with tomato, herbs, garlic, and onion, readily available in every kitchen. It is tasty and easy to prepare, which is why it is popular. Its runny texture makes it perfect for serving as a topping for pasta and pizza. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are good for health. The property of marinara sauce is rich in lycopene which highlights it even more for patients with cancer.
Lycopene is a pigment that gives a red colour to fruits and vegetables. Lycopene enhances the quality of the skin and is an aid in diabetes etc. However, along with its positives, it has some potential adverse effects. People allergic to tomatoes can have problems like coughing, sneezing, or skin rashes.
Apart from that, it is not good or advisable to be consumed by people on a low sodium or potassium diet. Similarly, if you are taking tablets that are supposed to interact with vitamin K like warfarin, you must avoid marinara. Marinara can be homemade and store-bought with certain new varieties, making it even more diversified.
A. Marinara sauce has its main ingredient, tomatoes which makes it good for our health as tomato is a vegetable with a rich source of vitamin C. It helps build immunity and is also beneficial for brain and heart health.
A. It depends on quantity. Excess to anything is harmful. The marinara sauce also has a high sodium content, which can be a problem for people who suffer from high blood pressure.
A. Marinara sauce has more vitamins and minerals and is even healthier. Both contain tomatoes. However, both have different textures. Spaghetti is a thicker sauce and can contain meat. Marinara is runny, so it’s simpler.
A. Its main ingredient is tomatoes. It is a dipping sauce which can be combined with pasta and pizza. Even its quick cooking time is also a reason for its popularity. Moreover, one can make it entirely with simple kitchen ingredients, which makes this special.
A.Yes, tomatoes are naturally sweet and have around 4 grams of sugar per serving. Also, some more sugar is added to the recipe as sugar cuts the acidic effect of tomato, which in turn increases its sugar quantity.
A. There are 23 calories in a ¼ cup serving of marinara sauce. Additionally, it has the goodness of minerals and vitamins like phosphorus, potassium, and calcium, which help in strengthening muscles and bones, and vitamins which are richer than any other sauce.