Grapefruit – Why You Must Consume this Magical Fruit?

Alpa Momaya
June 21, 2022
Alpa Momaya
June 21, 2022
The grapefruit or Citrus Paradise is a hybrid fruit. It is also known as the forbidden fruit, Chakotra, in Hindi. It is a subtropical citrus fruit as opposed to its sweeter counterparts and contains a tart taste. It belongs to the family of oranges.
Grapefruits are low in calories, sodium-free, cholesterol-free, gluten-free and fat-free, rich in nutrients and antioxidants. In addition, you can meet roughly 64% of your daily vitamin C needs with just one serving of grapefruit. It is also rich in magnesium, potassium, and fibre.
The grapefruits are grown extensively in Assam, Kerala, Bangalore and Tripura at 1500 meters. They come in different colours and sizes. It is available in the Indian market during winters.
In addition, they are pink or ruby red inside and often the size of a fist. The fruit has several nutritional benefits. It is essential in reducing weight or blood sugar levels if you add it to your daily diet.
The National Institute of Nutrition states that grapefruit is 92% moisture. In addition, it is a low-carb fruit, with only 13 grams of carbs in half the grapefruit. The carbs in grapefruit derive from natural sugars in the fruit. Due to their high moisture content, grapefruit is an excellent choice. You can add them to the first meal of the day for a fresh start. In addition, it provides a reasonable amount of fibre along with beneficial vitamins and minerals.
A 100g serving contains:
Percentage daily values based on a 2,000-calorie diet RDI:
The harvest time for healthy, moisturising and nutritious grapefruit is September to December. However, they are available in stores all year round. You should eat colourful, firm and wrinkle-free, fresh and healthy fruits to reap all the benefits.
Grapefruits are rich in Vitamin A, B and C, zinc, copper, and iron. All these work together in the body to boost the immune system. A study suggests it can boost immune function, reduce calorie intake and promote satiety.
Vitamin C and A are potent micronutrients that contribute to the immune defence system. They reduce inflammation and support cellular function. In addition, by oxidant scavenging mechanism, they conserve skin properties. The skin is our first and foremost shield against infection. Grapefruit improves skin health by preventing acne, psoriasis and wrinkles. It also puts a check on our health by preventing colds or sickness.
The citrus extract content in the pink grapefruits makes a good post-digestion antacid. It proves to be a crucial cure against cold, cough and flu. The ‘naringin’, a bioactive flavonoid present in the grapefruit, helps keep the digestion process in place. In addition, it helps eliminate chronic heartburn because of the presence of natural acids and enzymes.
Individuals who eat an adequate portion of grapefruit or drink its juice before their meals lose their weight faster than those who don’t. Grapefruit has a great deal of nourishment and water content in it, instead of empty calories. So, it’s an incredible choice to add it to your meal for a high-nourishment, low-calorie diet.
The fibre content of grapefruit promotes fullness and reduces calorie intake. In addition, the water content in the grapefruit promotes weight loss. According to a study, the daily intake of grapefruit also showed a reduced waist size. Therefore, including grapefruit in a diet is beneficial for facilitating weight loss.
Eating grapefruits, which range moderately on the glycemic record scale, can help control insulin levels in the body. It also helps prevent type-2 diabetes. Adding more blueberries, grapes, apples, bananas, and grapefruit to the diet helps in reducing the chances of type-2 diabetes since there is considerable heterogeneity in the relationship between them and type-2 diabetes.
In addition, grapefruit prevents insulin resistance, one of the leading causes of type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance leads to increased blood sugar levels, so grapefruit helps one be insulin resistant, thus efficiently reducing the risk of being diabetic.
Consistently devouring grapefruit helps keep the heart healthy by decreasing risks of coronary illness, such as hypertension and cholesterol. Grapefruit is a remarkable hub of potassium, a nutrient responsible for maintaining the heart’s electrolyte balance. The fibre content in grapefruit may likewise keep the heart healthy, given that a high fibre diet is related to lower BP and cholesterol levels.
Antioxidants guard your body against trauma brought by free radicals in your body. Grapefruits contain a range of antioxidants that may help prevent the advancement of these radicals into an ailment, including coronary illness or even cancer. Some of them are:
Vitamin C protects your cells from flaws that frequently lead to heart conditions and cancer. Beta-Carotenes in their active form protects you against chronic eye-related complaints. Lycopene is a nutrient that effectively safeguards you from tumour and cancer-producing cells. The red ones among the grapefruits are rich in lycopene. It battles prostate cancer by diminishing the tumour causing carcinogens.
Grapefruit also includes Flavanones, effective due to their anti-inflammatory properties. They also help ease high blood pressure, cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and obesity.
Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant. It is present as provitamin A or beta-carotene in grapefruit. It boosts eye (cornea) membrane protection and prevents drying of eyes. In addition, vitamin A helps mucous membranes and skin be powerful barriers to bacteria and viruses. Thus it is essential for good vision by reducing the risk of eye infections and associated ailments.
Studies suggest that it plays a role in curbing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and vision loss. Consuming grapefruit can decrease the chances of progressing to AMD by 25%.
Vitamin C is effective in the process of wound healing in the body. The natural tissue repair and wound recovery process involves collagen formation, where Vitamin C comes into play. In addition, it protects cells from damaging free radicals. Therefore, supplementation of this antioxidant in our diet makes our tissue restoration faster.
Studies suggest that including fibre-rich organic products in a diet can give a tingling sensation for the long haul. That is because fibre eases back the rate at which your stomach digests, expanding its processing time.
According to research, grapefruit contains anticarcinogenic properties. They reduce ROS generation in cells. They also restore mitochondrial enzyme activity. Thus including grapefruit in our diet is an essential step towards a cancer-free life.
The presence of potassium in grapefruit keeps a check on the increasing blood pressure of adults. In addition, including grapefruit in the diet reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and other heart ailments.
Compounds present in grapes also reduce the blood sugar levels in the body. Furthermore, the high fibre content in grapefruit boosts heart health, reducing the formation of LDL and improving the amount of HDL. In addition, it prevents plaque formation in arteries, thus effective in curbing stroke and related disorders.
Consuming grapefruit reduces the risk of developing kidney stones. This miracle fruit contains citric acid that helps diminish the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
The waste materials in our body normally get metabolised and filtered through the kidneys, and passed through urine.
Nevertheless, if they concentrate on the kidneys, they form stones. Some may cause a blockage in the urinary tract leading to pain and urine retention. Kidney stones generally are calcium oxalate stones. Citric acid, found in grapefruit, effectively prevents them by binding with calcium in the kidneys and flushing it out of the body. However, citric acid increases the volume and pH of urine, which proves to be an unfavourable condition in the formation of kidney stones.
There is always a need for hydration for our body. Whether it is summer or winter, our body always puts effort into combating the dryness of skin and body. Make your meal complete and wholesome by having a slice of grapefruit. An average-sized, medium grapefruit contains 118 ml of water, which amounts to 88% of its total weight. Therefore, grapefruit has efficient hydrating power. It also resists our cravings for the rest of the day.
Here are different ways in which you can consume it:
Serves: 1 serving
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Serves: 1 serving
Preparation time: 10-15 mins
The easiest and the most common grapefruit recipe is grapefruit juice.
Serves: 1 serving
Preparation time: 5 mins
Serves: 1 Serving
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Your fresh bowl of health is ready for you!
Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and mandarins taste brilliant when infused in water. They can be your go-to detox water on days you feel bloated.
Serves: 2
Preparation time: 10 mins
Summer grapefruit units are one of the most delightful citrus fruits available near you. They are rich in vitamins and minerals and are also great in taste. In addition, you can combine them with different food items to make a variety of dishes.
A. Grapefruit comes in a variety of colours, such as pink, white, and ruby red. While ruby red is the most commonly available kind, they are all known for their citrus taste and splendid shades of yellows and reds. As far as calories and macronutrients are concerned, the sustenance profiles are comparatively the same for all of them.
A. When shoppers are looking for grapefruits, search for one with no green colour on its outer covering. Do not pick those that you can easily squeeze. Also, avoid those grapefruits that have tight or wrinkled skin. A grapefruit that is heavier to hold is your ideal choice. Grab one and check if it’s heavier than it looks.
A. Grapefruit can be easily frozen. However, we recommend storing sliced grapefruit rather than the whole fruit in the freezer compartment. Also, keep the slices in an airtight container. A properly sealed, frozen grapefruit should remain usable for as long as a year.
A. According to the American Heart Association report, eating grapefruit, which is rich in specific flavonoids, regularly may bring down the risks of a heart stroke.
A. The NHS suggests that you should not consume whole grapefruit or grapefruit juice with specific medications, as it may increase blood levels. Some common drugs to avoid eating with grapefruit are statins, calcium channel blockers, immunosuppressants, certain cancer drugs, and Entocort, used to treat Crohn’s sickness. However, the list is not limited to these, and you must discuss them with your GP before consumption.
A. Grapefruit consists of a beneficial amount of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and dietary fibre. Along with improved diet quality, a grapefruit is a restorative option for adults aspiring to fulfil fruit recommendations.
A. You should take half grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice before consuming any meal. It will keep your stomach full and make you have fewer calories, leading to potential weight loss.
A. Yes. Grapefruit is a hydration and dietary fibre storehouse that offers benefits like monitoring constipation and improving gut health.
A. No, they are not. Grapefruit contains double the amount of Vitamin C as that of lemon but contains similar calories.
A. Yes, you can. If taken before bed, the low-calorie grapefruit effectively improves insulin sensitivity by regulating its creation in our body.
A. Yes. A combination of antioxidants and dietary fibre rich in vital vitamins and minerals, this low-calorie juice effectively improves health conditions.
A. Miracle fruit, grapefruit contains numerous benefits like Immunity
A. According to a study, grapefruit consumption may help reduce body weight, waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), triglycerides, C-reactive protein (CRP), and higher high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. So across-the-board is very effective in weight management.
A. No, it doesn’t. However, grapefruit has a good correlation with weight management with positive metabolic effects.
A. Yes, grapefruit is the hub of Vitamin C that protects the skin by forming a barrier, softening the skin, and improving collagen synthesis. In addition, natural antioxidants reduce free radical damage and ageing.
A. Grapefruit is a citrus fruit containing a considerable amount of sugar (6.86gm per serving of 100gm). Beneficial in diabetes as it lowers blood sugar levels.
A. Excess of anything can be harmful. So, having excess amounts of grapefruit juice may also have some adverse effects.
A. No, in fact, according to research, grapefruit juice reasonably increases urinary excretion of citrate, calcium and magnesium that proves to be one cause of kidney stone formation. Along with that, grapefruit contains a flavonoid called naringenin which reduces the chances of kidney failure.
A. Grapefruit possesses the primary antioxidant, naringenin. Naringenin is essential for reducing inflammation, preventing oxidative stress, and protecting liver cells. In addition, there is evidence suggesting its role in preventing alcohol-related hepatic steatosis and fibrosis through improvement in alcohol metabolism.
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