
Cream Cheese – Fresh Cheese with a Unique Flavour

Zoomi Singh

July 22, 2022

As the name suggests,  cream cheese is a combination of cream and milk. It was first produced in mass quantities by William A. Lawrence in 1873. You freshly prepare cream cheese using cream and milk, yielding soft cheese with a mild taste. For industrial purposes, carrageenan and carob bean gum stabilisers are used. 

According to the U.S Food and Drug Administration, cream cheese contains milk fat of around 33%, moisture content of 55%, and pH of 4.4-4.9. However, it is defined differently in different countries based on the percentage of higher milk fat, pH, and moisture content. Cream cheese needs to be consumed fresh by preparing it as it is not supposed to mature or age. Therefore, it is different from soft cheeses like Neufchatel and Brie. Cream cheese taste and texture become more complex based on the production.

Manufacturing Process

You can easily prepare cream cheese and other delicate cheeses at home. You require a cheesecloth, basic utensils, and a bit of meticulous work. Primarily, dairy farmers in the field utilise extra milk to make some sort of cheese like cream cheese. A few business foundations use cream or “milk and cream” to set it up. Clean and pristine utensils are necessary to get excellent quality cream cheese. 

Other pre-necessities are purified milk or sweet cream and added substances. For example, mesophilic cultures containing microorganisms switch milk lactose completely to create lactic acid and vegetable rennet, thickening the acidic milk. Buttermilk can likewise act as traditional mesophilic culture.

  • To begin with, warm the milk to 70 – 80° F in a hard steel bowl. Next, add 50 ml of cultured buttermilk or one pack of active mesophilic starter culture to every gallon of milk. Mix well, cover the bowl and permit the starter-immunised combination to sit undisturbed for an hour at room temperature.
  • In the alternate stage, mix the vegetable rennet in a portion of some cold water and mix well. Add this combination to the pasteurised milk. Mix well to guarantee the rennet is equally distributed in the milk. Cover the holder with a top and leave it undisturbed for 24 hours until the whey (a slight, yellowish fluid) isolates and curd structures.
  • Mix gently to separate the curd when the item goes rancid and completely coagulates. Heat the “set” again to 110°F to separate the whey from the curd and accelerate the draining and pressing. When the whey separates, it is filled with cheesecloth to drain. Press until the curd has got a fine, glue-like consistency.
  • Move cream cheese into a bowl and add salt in 1 tsp for each pound. Blend thoroughly, and store in the fridge.

Types of Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is available in various flavours and tastes. You can choose flavoured cream cheese and fulfil your cravings based on your likes. The different types of cream cheese are: 

Plain Cream Cheese

Plain cheese is simple, and one can prepare it at home. Moreover, it has a distinct flavour that can be suitable for different foods. For example, one can mix plain cheese with meatballs, fondue, and dishes prepared using eggs.

Chocolate Cream Cheese

Chocolate cream cheese can be heaven to chocolate lovers. Therefore, it can substitute for preparing brownies, cupcakes, and chocolates. Also, chocolate cream cheese is filled with the richness of chocolate and goes well with honey.

Honey Walnut Cream Cheese

This substitute of cream cheese is unique cream cheese. You can make it using crushed walnuts, honey, and cinnamon. It can be added to and is suitable for various foods since it adds more taste and flavour.

Strawberry Cream Cheese

Strawberry cream cheese adds a tangy flavour to any type of food. It pairs well with crunchy and soft foods such as cakes and brownies. You can combine it with bagels to make your breakfast even better.

Blueberry Cream Cheese

Blueberry cream cheese has something beyond that dazzling purple colour. Its tart lavishness is fantastic with bagels, croissants, or a serving of new organic products. One can incorporate it into the sweets like McDonald’s did with their pies!

Cinnamon Cream Cheese

Cinnamon cream cheese is easy to make. You can prepare it by adding sugar and cinnamon and blending it. It can go well with toasts, roti, rolls, and buns.

Funfetti Cream Cheese

With this Funfetti cream cheese, one will feel like a party is in their mouth. Beginning with a block of cream cheese, blend with various coloured sprinkles, and in the end, add powdered sugar. It can act as a muffin topping.

Apple Pie Cream Cheese

One’s first fruity dessert moved into this smooth, luscious cream cheese, produced under eight steps. While walnuts offer a decent crunch, cinnamon intensifies the taste with a warm, relieving mouthfeel.

Scallion Cream Cheese

Sweet, tart, with a reviving sharpness from scallion, this cream cheese will assist with beginning the day more brilliantly than any other time. To improve its flavour, feel free to mix in new spices or add a spot of lemon juice for additional tanginess. Then, bring out the bagels!

Herb and Garlic Cream Cheese

Have confidence as one will faint over this cream cheese, which comes with a sweet-smelling smell from new spices and a warm touch from garlic. To accomplish the best result, guarantee that one should utilise fresh garlic to put away in a great garlic companion. Then, flavour it up with parmesan or dark peppers based on choice.

Smoked Salmon Cream Cheese

One will want it with anything, from bagels and sandwiches to other meat-based dishes. But, of course, a solid serving of salad will make a fantastic combination also.

Cranberry Jalapeno Cream Cheese

Nothing is more interesting than a sweet and spicy combo. Therefore, one can choose this cream cheese as an ideal model, where one will experience a pleasing pungency from cranberries and a kick from jalapenos in a solitary bite.

Low-Fat Cream Cheese

Also called decreased fat cream cheese, this choice is ideally suited for those weight watchers or whoever is attempting to reduce their fat intake. There will be a minor change in surface, yet it shouldn’t change the taste as yet unchanged sweet and tangy flavour one will love.

Full Fat Cream Cheese

Then again, full-fat cream cheese contains more calories than the simple and low-fat form. Be that as it may, its rich taste is habit-forming. It can offer chilled pastries an undeniably more pleasing look.

Nutritional Facts about Cream Cheese

According to USDA, the nutritional value of cream cheese is:

  • Water: 52.6 g
  • Energy: 350 kcal
  • Protein: 6.15 g
  • Fat: 34.4 g
  • Carbohydrate: 5.52 g
  • Sugar: 3.76 g

Vitamins and Minerals

Cream cheese is also rich in vitamins and minerals.

  • Phosphorus: 107 mg
  • Potassium: 132 mg
  • Sodium: 314 mg
  • Calcium: 97 mg
  • Magnesium: 9 mg
  • Folate: 9 μg
  • Choline: 26.8 mg
  • Vitamin A IU: 1110 IU

Health Benefits of Cream Cheese

Low in Lactose

Lactose intolerance is a typical condition that influences roughly 65% of the worldwide population based on research. Side effects of lactose intolerance stem from a failure to process lactose, a sort of milk sugar found in most dairy items. Therefore, this includes milk, yoghurt and frozen yoghurt, which causes stomach-related issues like bloating, diarrhoea, and cramps.

Cream cheese is exceptionally low in lactose, and the vast majority with lactose intolerance can endure it. Certain brands produce cream cheese without lactose by adding lactase protein to support the body.

High in Vitamin A

Each serving of cream cheese spread contains a decent amount of vitamin A. This fundamental fat-solvent nutrient is critical in a few aspects of health.

Studies show that vitamin A is essential to immune health and manages cell-resistant reactions to fight against pathogens and disease. -It’s likewise associated with advancing vision. A lack of this crucial nutrient can cause secondary effects like night blindness, disabled vision and even visual impairment.

Promotes Gut Health

At the time of production, certain kinds of microbes, like lactic acid, are added to improve the texture of cream cheese. According to research, probiotics have advantageous microbes that support stomach well-being, reduce inflammation and increase absorption of nutrients.

However, not all kinds of cream cheese contain probiotics since you need to treat some with heat, which can kill microorganisms. Search for products that contain “live and cultures that are active” to guarantee that the item includes probiotics.

Contains Antioxidants

Cream cheese contains a few cancer prevention agents and carotenoids. These inhibit unsafe free radicals that cause oxidative stress and cell harm. Antioxidants are known to play a significant part in well-being and sickness. Research has found that they offer protection against allergies and ongoing problems in the body like malignant growth, diabetes, immune system problems and coronary illness.

The HealthifyMe Note

Cream cheese offers several health benefits because of its nutrient-rich composition. Cream cheese is nutritious and low in sodium and essential fats. Hence, it is one of the best cheese variants for individuals on low sodium and fat eating routine programs. In addition, skim-milk cream cheese contains limited quantities of tyramine. Thus, those on the tyramine-confined diet can eat it in little amounts. 

Ways to Use Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is an exceptionally advantageous and adaptable dairy product that culinary specialists love to work on inside many mouth-watering treats and flavorful recipes. It supplements well with leafy foods. People prepare cream cheese on the spot, and you need to eat it fresh.

In cooking, one can add cream cheese to delicious dishes like chicken/vegetable stuffing, dips, sauces, and soups. However, it is predominantly utilised as garnish spread in numerous pastries like cakes, doughnuts, bagels, or cream-filled or stuffed in bread, croquettes, biscuits, treats, etc.

Cream Cheese Healthy Recipes

Cream Cheese Frosting

Preparation time: 5 minutes 


  • Organic cream cheese – 2 packs
  • Coconut milk – ½ cup
  • Maple sugar – ¼ cup
  • Shredded coconut flakes – 1 cup

Preparation method

  • Utilise a powerful blender, and combine all ingredients until very much mixed.

Nutritive value

  • Carbohydrates: 10.9 g
  • Protein: 1.4 g
  • Fat: 10.4 g
  • Energy: 140 kcal
  • Cholesterol: 30.7 mg
  • Sodium: 82.6 mg

Healthier Greek Yoghurt Cheesecake

Serves: 16

Preparation time: 1 hour

Cooking time: 1 hour

Total time: 8 hours


For the crust
  • Graham cracker crumbs: 1 ½ cups
  • Melted unsalted butter: 5 tbsp
  • Granulated sugar: 1 tbsp
For the filling
  • Cream cheese: 2 blocks
  • Plain greek yoghurt: 1 ¾ cup
  • Granulated sugar: ⅔ cup
  • Eggs: 3 large
  • Vanilla extract: 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice: 2 tsp
Berry Compote
  • Blueberries and strawberries: 1 ½ cup
  • Lemon juice: 2 tbsp
  • Chia seeds: ½ tbsp

Preparation Method

  • Preheat the stove to 350°F, prepare a water bath container and wrap a 9″ springform skillet firmly with foil; and place it aside.
  • Prepare the crust: In a medium bowl, add graham saltine morsels with liquefied spread and sugar; mix until thoroughly blended. Press equally into the base part of the 9″ or 10″ springform dish, and use the back of a mug to smooth. Prepare for 8 minutes; remove from broiler to cool before wrapping edges/base firmly in foil. Lower the broiler temperature to 325ºF
  • Make cheesecake filling: Meanwhile, set up the cheesecake filling. Use the electric hand blender, and beat cream cheese until smooth for around 2 minutes. Include granulated sugar, greek yoghurt, vanilla and lemon juice, and beat again until totally smooth. Include eggs each, in turn, blending on low-medium speed. Do not overmix it. Quit mixing when the last egg is mixed.
  • Pour cheesecake filling onto the pre-prepared crust in a foil-wrapped springform container; place the skillet in the lower part of the cooking dish with 1″ heated water.
  • Prepare: Carefully move to the stove and heat at 325ºF for 45-55 minutes or until the centre has recently set. The centre needs to wiggle a little yet look firm.
  • Cool: Turn off the stove, break the ends and let the cheesecake cool in the broiler for 1 hour before covering and moving to the refrigerator and chilling for 8 hours.
  • Make berry compote: For the basic berry compote, get berries and squeeze a little pot to stew and cook down for around 10-15 minutes. Turn off the heat and mix in chia seeds to thicken whenever needed. Serve with greek yoghurt cheesecake.



Cream cheese is not suitable for those with specific dietary limitations. For example, even though it’s low in lactose, lactose-intolerant people should not eat cream cheese. Furthermore, dairy can cause food sensitivity or food intolerance in specific individuals. While these may develop active side effects, they’re not something very similar.

A dairy allergy is the body’s safe reaction to the protein found in cow’s milk, which results from insufficient lactase. Lactase, the chemical that separates lactose, is the regular sugar in cow’s milk. Side effects, such as hives, cramps, wheezing, regurgitating or a rash, might occur. A dairy allergy is related to the seriousness of the unfavourably susceptible response.

A study found that people who are sensitive to or intolerant of dairy tend to get gassy, swollen, have diarrhoea, and bloating.


Individuals who have undergone surgery should not eat cream cheese since it might upset their stomach. Dairy products can also increase lung mucus secretions; you should avoid them after surgery.

Safety and Storage

The cream cheese stored in a plastic box can last for 3-4 weeks, and foil-wrapped cream cheese can last for more than two months. The cream cheese needs to be refrigerated to avoid any spoilage. It is better to check the manufacturing date to use and store.


Cream cheese is a delicate cheese produced using a cream that has been coagulated, pressed and treated with specific catalysts and substances. Most types of cream cheese are high in calories and low in carbs and protein. It is low in lactose and micronutrients. In addition, it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and salt. It offers several advantages, including cell regeneration, enhanced eyesight, better skin, and enhanced immunity.

It has a short usage period and may not be suitable for those with specific dietary limitations. However, besides using cream cheese on a bagel, there are many exciting ways to involve this cheese in different dishes like soups, sandwiches, baked products and sweets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Is cream cheese good for you?

A. Cream cheese is rich in vitamin A, low in lactose, and has plenty of antioxidants. It also has probiotic properties. In addition, cream cheese provides flavour, taste, satisfaction, and numerous health benefits.

Q. Is cream cheese healthier than butter?

A. For specific individuals, cream cheese gives an advantage since it is lower in fat and calories than margarine. But it is not the best decision 100% of the time. In comparing butter and cream cheese, the low-calorie and low-fat choice are cream cheese.

Q. Is cream cheese good for weight gain?

A. Cream cheese is high in calories and fat, responsible for easy weight gain. People suffering from diabetes and obesity must consume moderate amounts to avoid health alterations.

Q. Is cream cheese good for your heart?

A. Research examined over 200,000 people and found that full-fat dairy items like cream cheese did not result in cardiovascular disease (CVD), coronary disease, or stroke.

Q. Does cream cheese clog arteries?

A. In the British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM), three cardiologists said dissolved fats in margarine, fat, wieners, bacon, cheese, and cream do not clog the arteries. There is less chance of strokes in individuals who eat cream cheese.

Q. Is cream cheese high in fat?

A. Cream cheese is high in fat and contains a moderate quantity of carbs and protein. Moreover, it’s a pack of vitamin A and contributes some riboflavin (vitamin B2). Due to its good fat, cream cheese is suitable for many keto diet plans.

Q. Does cream cheese help lose weight?

A. Research recommends that the body often consumes more fat when it gets sufficient calcium. Additionally, with cheese being protein-rich, it speeds up digestion. It decreases craving, in this manner assisting with achieving weight loss.

Q. Is cream cheese good for fat loss?

A. Cream cheese is a keto number one product because of its dietary profile. As per the USDA, 1 oz contains 84 calories, 8 g of fat, 1 g of carbs, and 2 g of protein. Furthermore, cream cheese has healthy fat that reduces the cholesterol in the body.

Q. Is cream cheese high in sodium?

A. Bagels and cream cheese are a flavorful method for beginning the day, and it turns out that this cheese is low-sodium. Cream cheese provides 53 mg of sodium per 1 ounce. Thus, one can include cream cheese in their diet for individuals lacking sodium.

Q. Is cream cheese soft cheese?

A. Cream cheese is a delicate white cheese sold in the most common general stores. The USDA characterise cream cheese as having a fat substance of around 33% and a moist content of 55%. It is usually made by blending low-fat milk and cream with an acid to cause coagulation and afterwards warming this combination to stop the cycle.

Q. Is cream cheese good protein?

A. Like cream cheese and other dairy items, it’s a pack of protein, calcium, vitamin B12, and riboflavin. Protein helps in building the tissues and cells. So you can add cream cheese to protein-based diets as a protein source.

Q. Is cream cheese high in iron?

A. Dairy items, for example, cheese, curds, milk and yoghurt, are high in calcium and have irrelevant iron substances. Hence, eating foods rich in iron and cream cheese can help people suffering from anaemia.

Q. Which has more protein, butter or cream cheese?

A. Butter is higher in calories, fats, and stored essential fats. It is richer in nutrients A, E, and K and lowers in sodium. On the other hand, cream cheese is richer in protein, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, and B complex nutrients.

Q. How many calories are in 2 tablespoons of cream cheese?

A. There are 68 calories in 2 tablespoons of Cream Cheese. It can be used as a topping on muffins and cakes and combined with brownies and toast. You can also use it as dips, sauces, and soups. You can provide calories in any way from the cream cheese.

About the Author

Zoomi, holds Masters degree in Nutritional Sciences from University of Allahabad, qualified CBSE-UGC-NET in Home Science and pursuing PhD in Nutritional Sciences, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj. A Strong research professional focused in Nutritional Sciences where she have more than 8 yrs of work experience in the field of Nutrition and Research, had work experience as a Dietician at Super-specialty hospitals. Skilled in Weight Management, Hypertension, Diabetes and Micronutrient related deficiencies. Additionally, she is well-versed in biostatistics and proficient in statistical tools such as SPSS and STATA. She is endowed with strong writing abilities and has authored her own book, more than six research papers, and six book chapters. Holder of various awards like Excellent Dietician, 2019 and 2020 by Saksham Society, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Academic Excellence at National Conference by Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India and Research Achievement Award-2020 for Research & Innovation by ACAIRS Global Network Pvt. Ltd. Life Member of Nutrition Society of India, NIN, Hyderabad and participated and presented papers in four International and six National conferences. Zoomi believes the right habits play the most crucial role in one’s health and wellness journey. The key to fit body is a fit mind and mental state.

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