5 Healthy Midnight Snack Recipes to Keep those Hunger Pangs at Bay

Alpa Momaya
November 29, 2021
Alpa Momaya
November 29, 2021
Shutting down for the day but your appetite has hit the reboot button leaving you guilty of raiding the fridge for leftovers or heading to bed with a jar of namkeen? Try a healthy midnight snack!
There are several reasons why you may find yourself craving a midnight snack. Ironically, many of them have nothing to do with actual hunger. It could be because you haven’t had enough sleep. Lack of sleep impacts the body’s hormonal balance, which in turn triggers hunger pangs. Stress and boredom are two other factors that can cause you to feel peckish at night. A study from Oregon Health & Science University and Harvard University found that the body’s internal clock — the circadian system — causes late-night cravings for sweet, starchy and salty foods.
Either way, increased hunger at night is one of the leading causes of weight gain, mostly because people choose the wrong kinds of food to snack on in the wee hours. So if you do feel the need to munch on something before bed, check out these snack recipes that are rich in sleep-inducing nutrients like tryptophan, melatonin, protein, and carbohydrates.
Warm Honey Milk
Milk is a complete food and has all the nutrients our body needs, while honey contains the essential amino acids. A glass of warm milk at night will leave you feeling sleepy and calm, more so when it contains a dash of nutmeg, which is a good natural sleep-aid.
Warm the milk until it’s a little hotter than you would comfortably drink, and stir in the honey. Sprinkle the ground nutmeg. Drink it about 30 minutes before you go to bed.
Caramelized Bananas with Frozen Yoghurt
If you’re longing for a warm, gooey treat, skip the brownies and have baked fruit instead. Bananas are high-fiber and contain minerals like potassium and magnesium that prevent muscle cramps at night.
Vegetables with Hummus
Hummus is made of chana, which is packed with vitamin B6 that can help improve your sleep cycle. Raw vegetables like cucumber, broccoli and carrots are low in calories while being nutrient dense.
Paneer On Whole Wheat Toast
Paneer is a great source of calcium. It also contains slow-digesting proteins, which will keep you from getting hungry in the middle of the night. Egg eaters can substitute the paneer topping in this recipe with scrambled eggs, another excellent source of protein.
Almond Trail Mix
Almonds are a rich source of protein, tryptophan and magnesium. While the former will keep you full at night, the other nutrients possess sleep-enhancing properties.
I want to try the banana recipe soon.Al the recipes are awesome l
hi, this is wonderful midnight healthy snacks. i will try to follow
Hi , Thank You for sharing the worthful and Useful Tips about midnight healthy snacks.its really useful im trying to follow this,