5 Exercises to Tone your Thighs

Anisha Mishra
August 4, 2023
Anisha Mishra
August 4, 2023
Summer is almost here, which means it is time to get your beach body ready. Have you already started with your workout regime, but finding it hard to get toned thigh muscles ? Your solution is here. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week. While many exercises will give you toned legs, adding cardio vascular exercises to your routine will help maximize the fat loss as well.
Try these simple exercises for getting toned thigh muscles. Depending on the intensity levels of your workout you can choose to use a pair of dumbbells while you do these exercises. You may also take it up a notch by increasing the weights of the dumbbells you are already using.
So what are you waiting for! Bring out that workout gear and let’s get started.
This exercise is one of the best one, since you lift your own body weight while you squat. Added weight increases the workout intensity and aids in building lean muscle mass, thus, toning and accelerating your metabolism and in turn aiding in reducing overall body fat as well.
Hip bridges target the glutes and hamstrings, thus strengthening and aiding in toning of these muscles. Do this exercise at home and tone up without going to the gym.
Forward lunges work your glutes, thigh adductors, quadriceps and hamstrings, strengthening these muscles, and in turn improving your metabolism. This is highly beneficial if your goal is to lose overall body fat. Doing the forward lunge also has an added advantage – it helps in improving your core strength, since it engages your core muscles as well.
Side lunges work your thigh adductors, glutes, quadriceps, and hamstring muscles. This helps strengthen your thighs along with the core activation which in turn helps to improve your overall body balance and coordination as well. Take your workout to the next level by adding a few yoga postures to bring some variation into your routine.
Jump squats like all the other exercises mentioned above help build the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings and calves. And since it is a whole body impact movement this also helps in strengthening all the other muscles of the body. This exercise works in a unique way in which you burn 50 – 70 extra calories on a daily basis with every kg of muscle that you gain. Losing that overall body fat is pretty much easy with this exercise!
There you have it! Five easy-to-do exercises that will help you get rid of that stubborn thigh fat and get you ready for summer.
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