Wedding season? 5 expert tips to avoid the bloated feeling

Roshini Gilbert
July 9, 2019
Roshini Gilbert
July 9, 2019
10 hours to go for the big fat Indian wedding that you just have to attend? If you’re struggling to feel great in that figure-hugging Anarkali or slim-fit sherwani, we’ve got help.
Five Healthify Me experts give you last-minute healthy tips that will help you avoid the bloated feeling and help you put your best foot forward as you head out of the door.
A common cause of bloating is dehydration. It may seem strange that lack of water can cause bloating, but the body tends to hold onto whatever water it can when it is starved of fluids. Ensure that you drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out your system. Don’t forget to have a glass of warm water with lemon before and after the party to help your body naturally get rid of salty and oily food that’s a given at any party.
Try to eat something small and simple such as a salad before you head for the party. This way, you will be able to make better decisions about what to eat at the wedding. If you arrive at a party starving, everything looks and smells delicious, leaving you vulnerable to unhealthy choices. This is a good habit to avoid junk food.
I suggest you work out for a minimum of 45 minutes before you head out for the high-calorie dinner. This will keep your body in a high-calorie burn mode and help it touch all the yummy food and drinks that you are bound to consume. Stick to high protein choices when faced with a plethora of food. Healthy food habits will pay in the long run. And don’t forget to stay on your toes and dance the night away!
Do strength training before you go to the wedding reception. Drink a glass of warm water or lemon water before you start feasting on protein-rich foods along with salads. Keep sipping on water – aim for 150-200ml of water for every 20 minutes of dancing.
Enjoy the wedding. And may it be a happily ever after!