
Stand up for your health

Roshini Gilbert

August 4, 2023

If you’ve adopted the “talk-as-you-walk” credo into your lifestyle, here’s another lifestyle change you must consider. Replace your office desk with a standing table.

A recent study by researchers from Loughborough University and the University of Leicester showed that, people spend an average of 5 hours and 41 minutes a day sitting at their desk in a typical working week.

This constant sedentary behaviour, coupled with the general propensity to avoid exercise, is likely to lead to health problems. Spending too time seated puts you at risk of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Experts suggest that standing desks – the work desks of the future – may be one way to tackle the ill-effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

The benefits of standing to work have been the focus of many studies in recent months.

Research has shown that long walks and extended hours of standing can lower body mass index and make us more resilient to stress. Standing also improves blood sugar, fats in the blood and lowers cholesterol levels.

Those who work standing have also reported more energy and increased engagement with co-workers along with improved posture and core strength.

The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study, involving 782 participants between the ages of 36 and 80, has revealed that replacing two hours a day of sitting with stepping or standing is linked with an average 11 per cent lower BMI and a 7.5 % smaller waist circumference.


But it isn’t easy to get used to pounding away at the keyboard while standing. Not when you’re attuned to sitting for long periods through the course of the day.

Experts advise beginning with a routine that alternates standing with periods of sitting. Wear comfortable shoes, walk around during coffee break and have stand-up meetings. Aim at sitting for 20 minutes, standing for eight minutes and walking around for two minutes every half hour.

Isn’t it high time you stood up for your health?

About the Author

After a diligent workout plan helped her lose 30kg of post-pregnancy weight, chartered accountant Roshini Gilbert was inspired enough to go from tallying numbers to training others. Currently serving as VP, Fitness & Services, at HealthifyMe, Roshini has been certified by the American Council on Exercises (ACE) for functional fitness and specialises in postnatal weight loss, exercises for lower back pain, arthritis and osteoporosis. As part of her Rehab Trainer certification in Australia, Roshini has trained with reputed sports physiotherapist, Ulrik Larsen in corrective exercises and injury management. In HealthifyMe, she has found a collaborator with a common cause – making people fit to live life to the fullest.

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