Are Potatoes Good for Weight Loss?

Aditi Shenai
September 29, 2022
Aditi Shenai
September 29, 2022
In 1552-1618, the first potato plant was planted in Ireland by a British explorer and historian who was famous for his visits to America. He gave Queen Elizabeth I a potato plant as a gift.
The queen loved it so much that she invited the local gentry to a royal feast where potatoes were part of each course. Potatoes then became a must-have ingredient in the British kitchen.
In the 21st Century, the world’s most popular and nutrient-dense tuber vegetable is still the potato. Still, it is under-appreciated in the global food economy.
It appears that everyone mistrusts potatoes. Yet we enjoy consuming them in the least healthy manners, don’t we? We blame them for being unhealthy after eating dishes like french fries, potato chips, baked cheesy potatoes, mashed potatoes with cream, etc.
It’s not the potato that’s the problem. The issue lies with the way you cook it. A medium-sized potato has only around 100 calories. If your goal is to lose weight while still feeling satisfied, including potatoes in your diet can help you to reach your goal.
Additionally, since your body depends on the energy that comes from carbohydrates, you must eat them. But that’s not the end; there are plenty of reasons why you need to add potatoes to your weight loss diet.
They contain a good amount of fibre and resistant starch. It ensures that you stay satiated and full for longer, so you tend to eat less throughout the day. In addition, potatoes contain a compound known as proteinase inhibitor II, proven to help reduce hunger by slowing down digestion in the body.
Potatoes are also rich in polyphenols. It is no secret that antioxidants are good for you. These can break down sugars in your body faster, which may boost your metabolic rate too.
Potatoes contain a high amount of potassium. Potassium is good for weight loss because it helps with preventing water retention and can further any weight loss.
As a good source of fibre, potatoes can aid with weight loss by helping you feel fuller for longer. Antioxidants included in it also help to prevent several diseases. Additionally, incorporating potatoes into your diet can assist with controlling your weight.
Potatoes are mainly associated with weight gain because of how we prepare them. For example, using oil to deep fry them or topping them with unhealthy ingredients is not suitable for those who want to lose weight. However, there are different ways to prepare potatoes that are advantageous for weight loss.
An average serving of french fries has around 400 calories. Try to stick to baked, boiled, steamed or oven-baked potatoes. Avoid fatty toppings like cheese, sour cream, bacon, etc. Instead, opt for roasted or grilled vegetables, curd dip, and low-fat cheese if you want some.
If you’re attempting to lose weight, it is vital to monitor whether you’re taking in more calories than you’re expending. In other words, you will gain weight even if you prepare your potatoes properly but don’t limit how much you eat. Therefore, maintain appropriate portion sizes.
The majority of the fibre in potatoes is in the skin. A single medium-sized potato can provide about 7% of your daily fibre needs. So leave the skin on, give it a good wash, and enjoy!
Boiled potatoes are the perfect way to eat potatoes. It is simple and humble; one can include it in lunch or dinner. Just boil a potato and season with salt and pepper. You can also add a dash of spices of your liking.
Preparation time- 12 minutes
Preparation time- 10 minutes
Preparation time- 20 minutes
Potatoes are not detrimental to weight loss when consumed appropriately. It is how you cook them that affects your weight. They contain significantly more starch than other vegetables; as a result, reputable dietitians advice limiting intake to one medium-sized potato, or around 100 grams, per day.
In addition, it has zero grams of fat, sodium, or cholesterol and plenty of vital nutrients and minerals—all solid reasons to incorporate them into your diet.
You can have one potato each day if you don’t deep fry them, eat them with cream and cheese, or cook them in unhealthy ways. Instead, boil them, add slices to a vegetable sandwich or salad, use them in poha, or bake one to savour their creamy deliciousness with salt, pepper, and lime. Simply eating one won’t make you look like one. Promise!