Is Oatmeal Good for Diabetics?

Sucharita Sen
November 18, 2022
Sucharita Sen
November 18, 2022
Diabetes is a widespread medical condition in which the blood sugar levels of a person rise above the ideal level. To manage sugar levels, a person with diabetes needs to pay special attention to what they eat. A person with diabetes should categorically avoid a high carbohydrate diet because it is directly related to increasing blood sugar levels. At the same time, to manage diabetes effectively, it is helpful to choose a nutritious diet. It should contain high fibre carbohydrates instead of processed carbohydrates with added sugar. So eating food high in nutrition and high fibre carbohydrates and low in unhealthy sugar and refined carbohydrates is essential to managing diabetes. Additionally, it is also helpful in improving overall health.
Oatmeal is the perfect food that fulfils the above requirements. It is a standard breakfast made from oats and liquid like water, milk or yoghurt. There are different kinds of oats that you can use for your oatmeal:
Foods with a low Glycemic Index help keep blood sugar levels stable. The Glycemic index is a way to know how quickly a food will release its sugar content in the blood. Conversely, a high Glycemic Index means that the food will release sugar fast and cause spikes in blood sugar levels.
On the other hand, a low Glycemic Index food will release sugar slowly into the blood. As a result, there will not be any sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Oatmeals have a low value of Glycemic Index which is close to 55. It is much lower than breakfasts like corn flakes, with a GI value as high as 70.
Fibre helps in slowing down the breakdown of sugar. As a result, it prevents sudden spikes in blood glucose levels. According to research, a person should ideally eat 25-30 grams of fibre each day. For example, each serving of oatmeal carries about 8 grams of fibre. So, 1-2 servings of oatmeal along with servings of fresh fruits and vegetables are sufficient to fulfil the ideal fibre requirement per day.
Oatmeal is rich in a particular type of fibre known as beta-glucan. Beta-glucan is in the cell walls of bacteria and yeast. It has wide-ranging health benefits. Research suggests that beta-glucans help manage diabetes by keeping blood sugar levels in check and lowering cholesterol. The binding of beta-glucans helps in improving immune response. Purified beta-glucans have anti-tumour and anti-cancer properties.
Oatmeal can help in improving insulin sensitivity also. According to research, for people with Type 2 diabetes, people who ate a meal of oatmeal had a better insulin response than those who did not have a meal of oatmeal.
A diet high in nutrition is ideal. It is even more critical in the case of a person with diabetes. Oatmeal is highly nutritious and has almost all types of nutrients. As per USDA, 100 gms of Raw oats has:
Oatmeals are rich in particular types of fibres called beta-glucan. Beta-glucans also help in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, research suggests that 3 grams of beta-glucans from oats can help in lowering bad cholesterol levels and, at the same time, improve good cholesterol levels.
Asthma is a chronic disease common in kids. Shortness of breath, continuous coughing and wheezing are common symptoms. Also, a study suggests that feeding oats to children before they turn six months can decrease the risk of childhood asthma.
Oatmeal can help older adults with constipation and irregular bowel movements. That is because the dietary fibres present in the oatmeal help relieve constipation. One study found that including oatmeal in the diet of the elderly for just three months had significant results in relieving constipation.
It is a quick oatmeal breakfast that you can cook in 15 minutes.
Oats upma is ready to be served!
Another healthy and easy to make oatmeal dish is coconut oats.
Oats Egg Omelette is a filling breakfast that you can make easily.
Oats egg omelette is ready to be served.
A healthy, bland breakfast that you can prepare in under 10 minutes.
A healthy beverage that gives you a burst of energy for the day.
Oatmeal is rich in fibre and starch. However, bacteria consume these nutrients in the large intestine and may occasionally lead to belly bloating in some people. The best way to prevent this bloating is by gradually increasing the amount of oatmeal in your meal.
Oats are difficult to chew and swallow as compared to other foods. If you face problems swallowing or chewing, it is best to avoid eating oatmeal. Oats, if not adequately chewed, take a long time to digest. In addition, it may cause oats to block your intestine. It is better to choose other healthy alternatives if you face problems swallowing and chewing oats. In such cases, oats can be used in flour or added to smoothies.
Oatmeal has up to 50-60 grams of carbohydrates. Though the majority of harm done by carbohydrates gets counteracted by the other nutrients in oatmeal, one still needs to exercise moderation while having oatmeal. Taking small servings consistently over a long time can help maximise benefits and minimise side effects.
Including oatmeal in your diet will prove to be highly helpful, especially if you have diabetes. It has high nutritional value as it contains a reasonable amount of fibres and minerals. In addition, oatmeal has a low glycemic index, which does not cause spikes in sugar levels. In addition to helping manage diabetes, oatmeal has other health benefits like lowering cholesterol levels, preventing cardiovascular diseases and preventing weight gain.
A. ½ cup of oatmeal has about 50-60 grams of carbohydrates depending upon the type and processing. Though it may seem a lot on the face of it, you must note that about 8-10 grams of it come from dietary fibre, which helps control spikes of sugar. Instant oatmeal, which is laden with added sugar, can cause diabetes. Or eating a lot in a single sitting can also cause an increase in sugar levels. One can keep the following steps in mind so that oatmeal does not cause diabetes: Do not use sweetened oatmeal. Do not add too much fruit for flavour. Also, avoid adding too many natural sweeteners like honey. Avoid using cream in your oatmeal. Take small servings.
A. Oatmeals can be a helpful addition to a diabetic’s diet. In addition, oatmeals have a low glycemic index (which measures how fast a food releases sugar in the blood) of about 55. It means that consuming oatmeal does not cause sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. In addition, oatmeals are high in fibre content. Therefore, it helps prevent spikes in blood sugar levels and fulfils the daily ideal fibre intake. Further, oatmeal is highly nutritious and contains reasonable amounts of proteins and minerals that help maintain overall health.
A. Yes. Oatmeal cookies are slightly better than refined flour cookies depending on the percentage of oats present in them. Since they have sugar and butter in regular amounts, it will not be a completely healthy choice and should be taken in moderation. But they are a healthy substitute for refined flour cookies. Here are some reasons: Oatmeal cookies have high fibre content, which is not present in standard sugar cookies. In addition, oatmeal cookies have high mineral content. They are rich in magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and potassium. These minerals are not present in sugar cookies. Oatmeal cookies also help in healthy muscle building. On the other hand, sugar cookies have few health benefits than merely satisfying one’s sweet tooth.
A. Yes, oatmeal pancakes are healthy. They are much more beneficial than regular refined flour pancakes. A single serving of an oatmeal pancake has 200 calories, 9 grams of fats, 25 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of fibre. To make it tasty, a touch of vanilla extracts and cinnamon can be helpful. Also, you can add toppings like nut butter, low sugar jams, and sliced bananas to make it healthier.
A. No. Instead, oats are beneficial for babies. They are highly nutritious, rich in fibre, and good for the baby’s overall health. At the same time, they are easy to digest foods. In addition, oats are natural laxatives to help prevent constipation.
A. Oatmeals have a low glycemic index of about 55. It means that consuming oatmeal does not cause sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. In addition, oatmeals are high in fibre content and help prevent spikes in blood sugar levels and fulfil the daily ideal fibre intake. So, in general, oatmeals keep blood sugar at manageable levels. However, one should be wary of instant oatmeal laden with artificial sweeteners. It can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. Moderation during eating is vital if you want to keep your diabetes in control. The same spikes in sugar levels can happen if you overeat oatmeal in a single meal.
A. Eggs are good food for diabetics. A large egg contains just about 0.5 grams of sugar. It means that eggs will not increase your blood sugar levels beyond manageable levels. Experts suggest that even diabetics can enjoy up to 12 eggs per week. Eggs have various other health benefits too. They are a rich source of protein (about 7 grams) and hence highly nutritious. An egg has just 80 calories, so there is less risk of gaining weight due to them. Lutein in eggs helps in developing the immune system. Choline helps in improving brain health. Biotin, which is present in the yolk of eggs, keeps hair, skin and nails healthy and stimulates insulin production.
A. Eczema causes the skin to become red and itchy. This condition has no cure, but you can manage its symptoms. According to a study, oatmeal baths can help reduce symptoms of eczema. It is because oatmeal has many qualities that make it helpful in relieving eczema. Oatmeal is an emollient. It means that it holds moisture against the skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that provide relief in eczema.