Gruyere Cheese: Nutritional Properties and Health Benefits

Aditi Shenai
July 2, 2022
Aditi Shenai
July 2, 2022
Delicious to the tongue and healthy for the body, cheese is everyone’s favourite. Gruyere cheese is a swiss cheese primarily known for its easy-to-melt texture. The milk for Gruyere cheese is usually from Alpine cows who feed on green mountain grass. After getting the milk, it generally gets cured for six months or even longer to make Gruyere .
Gruyere cheese got its name from the small town of Gruyères in Switzerland. Because of its texture, it is perfect for baking purposes. It elevates bread, pastries, lasagna, and especially fondue, a swiss dish. Moreover, it’s the ideal cheese to make your recipes creamier.
This cheese is yellow in colour with small holes on its surface, which develops during its making by bacteria. It tastes very creamy, salty, and nutty. It is an unpasteurized hard cheese with a shelf life of four to six weeks.
The process starts with the collection of high-quality dairy from alpine cows. The raw milk gets collected in a large copper VAT and curdled by adding liquid rennet. The machine churns the milk baking into curds by its rotating paddles. The curd is then cut into pea-sized pieces and stirred. After that, it is cooked and raised quickly.
Once the curd gets strained, it is pitted into moulds and pressed. After salting in brine, it is smeared with bacteria to encourage the growth of certain bacteria on its surface. Next, the cheese gets ripened for two months at room temperature on wooden boards, and moisture distribution gets checked. If gruyere gets cured for 2-3 months, it produces cheese of intense flavour.
As per USDA, 100 grams of gruyere cheese has specific nutritional values
Calcium is a significant element in the body. For example, an adult man of 60 kg has nearly one kilogram of calcium in his body. Calcium is essential for bone formation, tooth formation, and growth. It is also a cofactor and regulator of many biochemical reactions such as blood clotting, contraction of muscles, the release of hormones, etc. Therefore, gruyere cheese with a calcium content of 1010 mg per 100 gram becomes a very rich source of calcium.
Studies show that calcium also plays an essential part in pregnancy and lactation. It contributes to bone formation in the foetus. Some women may lose their bone density during pregnancy and lactation since it gets depleted during foetal development and to match the baby’s nutritional needs. Therefore intake of calcium in the form of gruyere could be beneficial.
Gruyere cheese is a good source of protein, with 29.8 g of cheese per 100 g serving. Protein is also needed in the growth, maintenance of tissues, formation of essential body compounds, transport of nutrients, and maintaining appropriate body temperature and is a source of energy.
According to research, animal proteins are an essential source of protein. Gruyere is a good source of proteins and all essential amino acids, making it highly beneficial for health. For athletes, larger amounts of protein are a must for high-intensity training. According to studies, they require a greater protein consumption to prevent the loss of lean tissue endurance.
Gruyere cheese is full of proteins which take longer to digest. According to studies, increased protein consumption positively correlates with reduced waist circumference, body weight and body mass. In addition, proteins keep a person fuller for a more extended period. As a result, this increases satiety and decreases appetite. Digestion and metabolism of proteins also help burn calories. Therefore, a protein rich-diet helps you healthily lose weight.
According to a study, vitamin B12 gets synthesised by bacteria and is present only in animal food. Thus gruyere cheese is a good source of Vit B12. It has a vitamin B12 content of 1.6 g per 100 grams of portion size. According to research, Vitamin B12 is essential for DNA synthesis and the growth and division of cells.
The deficiency of Vit B 12 causes megaloblastic anaemia. Megaloblastic anaemia is when the bone marrow produces unusually large, structurally abnormal, immature red blood cells. It causes decreased appetite, irritability, and lack of energy and may cause permanent damage to the nervous system if left untreated.
According to a study, Lactobacillus Helveticus is a probiotic species used in making Gruyere cheese. It is essential for ripening in Gruyere cheese. Probiotics have numerous health benefits, making gruyere the perfect addition to your diet. According to research, probiotics help reduce cholesterol, enhance immunity, prevent cancer, and treat irritable bowel-related diarrhoea and lactose metabolism. They also have antihypertensive effects.
Gruyere is rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is low in carbs and sugar and abundant in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A and E. Also, its nutrient-rich profile offers many health benefits, including boosting metabolism, regulating blood sugar, promoting healthy bones, and accelerating blood clotting and wound healing.
Servings: 6
Preparation time:1 hour
Cook time: 50 to 55 minutes
Preparation time:10 minutes.
Cooking time:20 minutes
Total time: 11 minutes
Besides these healthy and delicious recipes, you can use Gruyere cheese in other dishes like Boiled or roasted potatoes, blanched vegetables, pasta, roasted chicken, bread and sausages. You can also use it as a dip or add it to your macaroni.
Since the cheese is already mature, you must take care after opening the packet. Please store the cheese in plastic bags or airtight containers to maximise shelf life. You can keep it at a temperature of 15℃, or it can even be refrigerated. Bacterial growth can occur at a temperature of about 40℉-140℉. While storing or conserving gruyere cheese, it should not be exposed to air directly as it could develop mould. If stored properly, you can keep it for around eight months.
You should discard it if it has a foul odour, flavour, or appearance of mould. The formation of a mould is a clear indication that the cheese has spoiled.
Gruyere cheese contains several allergic food allergens:
A study shows cow milk causes severe allergies worldwide that one can not neglect as it has a lifelong impact. Since cheese from raw cow milk makes gruyere cheese, you must take care if you are allergic to cow milk.
Most allergies like cough and cold are associated with histamine. In addition, there is the problem of histamine intolerance in many people. Foods high in histamine include fermented dairy products like gruyere cheese.
Gruyere is made from cow’s milk and hence isn’t okay for vegan consumption. Furthermore, it is an issue that has ethical implications. A study shows that calves get slaughtered for rennet. Therefore if you are conscious of animal safety, it may not be the right cheese.
Unpasteurised milk cheese can potentially affect pregnant or lactating mothers as it can cause several problems like listeriosis. As shown in a study, it causes ill effects on pregnant women, so it is not safe to consume this type of raw milk cheese during pregnancy.
With its rich, creamy, salty and sometimes sweet flavour, Gruyere cheese can be a part of many dishes like Pasta, fondue, lasagna, and salad dressings. It also goes well with beef, pork, chicken, and vegetables. It’s a kind of Swiss cheese with a semi-hard structure made from cow’s milk.
Gruyere cheese, with its excellent nutritional properties of high calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin A and thymine, etc., is perfect for developing a healthy lifestyle. It is the only cheese that has won the world’s title of the best cheese at the World Cheese Awards 4 times. From 1992 to 2015. These days, gruyere is widely available at all grocery stores. However, people with dairy allergies and histamine allergies should avoid gruyere cheese.
A. Yes, gruyere cheese can be a great addition to your diet. It has a nutrient-rich profile. It is abundant in minerals like calcium, phosphorus and sodium. The health benefits include regulating blood pressure, promoting healthy bones, enhancing immunity, reducing cholesterol etc.
A. Gruyere cheese is healthy. It is also rich in thiamine and riboflavin as an excellent source of calcium and other vitamins like vitamins A,k, and B12. It is also helpful for solid bones and muscles because of the presence of a good amount of calcium and phosphorus in it.
A. Yes, it is a probiotic. Anything made from dairy products such as milk acts as a probiotic. For example, Lactobacillus Helveticus is a probiotic species used to make Gruyere cheese. Probiotics help with inflammation and digestive issues. They are also helpful in boosting immunity and the anti-ageing process.
A. Gruyere cheese being probiotic, can help in reducing inflammation and is less likely to cause any digestive discomfort. Based on the body of science, dairy products can be a part of an anti-inflammatory diet.
A. As gruyere cheese is from whole cow’s milk, it becomes calorie-dense and high in fat, but most recipes call for much more than one slice of cheese like lasagna or fondue, so care must be taken while adding cheese as it can get very high in fat.
A.Yes. Gruyere cheese is an excellent source of calcium, with nearly1010 mg in 100 grams. In addition, it is manufactured from cow’s milk, making it a very rich source of calcium and can help build strong bones and teeth.
A. Yes, Gruyere cheese, a complete protein from a dairy product, is very high in protein. So it is beneficial in keeping individuals full and energetic for a more extended period.
A. Gruyere cheese is a melting cheese that is good as a pizza topping. Its salty and nutty flavour can also give pizza dressing a rich flavour.
A.Gruyere cheese, being energy-dense, has 545 calories in One Cup. It is a full-fat dairy food that makes it a calorie-dense food. However, the amount of calories also makes it a good energy source.
A. Gruyere cheese is from cows’ milk taken from alpine cows fed on mountains of green grass. Raw cow milk makes gruyere cheese by churning it and exposing it to heat and bacteria.