Grapeseed Oil: Oil From the Wine Industry

Aditi Shenai
June 24, 2022
Aditi Shenai
June 24, 2022
Grapeseed oil comes from squishing the seeds of grapes, and the oil is a byproduct of making wine. It is excellent because of the nutritional content it contains. Grapeseed oil is the byproduct of the winemaking industry in the commercial and economic aspects only. Nutritionally, it is not a byproduct, but rather, they derive the main product from the grapes. It becomes necessary to people because of its nutritional values and other properties, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic. With nutritional values and all these properties combined, it becomes a primary nutritional product of the grape industry.
There are several varieties of grapes, but research studies show that the makers obtain the highest oil contents from the Bordeaux variety. It essentially became popular after people started utilising it as a culinary oil. Culinary oil refers to oil we use for cooking, flavouring, and dressing salads and dips. Due to its fatty acid and vitamin content, grapeseed oil also presents health benefiting properties. Let’s dive into the topic and get soaked in the knowledge of grapeseed oil.
Studies show that there are three varieties of grapes i.e., V. vinifera and two of V. labrusca resulting in a total of 5 types of plants.
Varieties of V. vinifera are
Varieties of V. labrusca are
Out of these, the highest oil content comes from Bordeaux and Merlot grape varieties.
As per USDA per 100 grams contains:
*Percent daily values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet. Therefore, your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your body’s calorie needs.
Grapeseed Oil contains Vitamin E and several unsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-6 fatty acids. It may not be nutritionally sufficient, but unsaturated fatty acids fulfil the void with their health benefits.
Grapeseed oil has the following fats, vitamins and minerals that make it extremely beneficial.
It contains a large amount of fat. However, it primarily contains unsaturated fatty acids, which means essential fatty acids. Research shows that our body needs these fatty acids to form biological compounds like plasma membranes and cell organelles. In addition, the body needs these for the proper functioning of basic cellular machinery. Saturated fatty acids make only 10% of the total fats. Hence, the benefits of unsaturated fatty acids outweigh the detrimental effects of saturated fatty acids. It is also rich in linoleic acid, a positive sign for human health.
It contains zero cholesterol as it is plant-based oil and is a better alternative for cooking oils for people who have reported high cholesterol profiles. Patients who have suffered a heart attack should use this oil as cooking oil. Studies show that high cholesterol levels increase the chances of heart attack and several other cardiovascular system malfunctions.
It is known to be a good source of vitamin D and E, hence it acts as an anti-inflammatory remedy. It also contains Vitamin C, which helps brighten the skin. Vitamin E is also known as an anti sterility vitamin. Hence, grapeseed oil comes with the benefits of anti sterility. Grapeseed oil is sufficiently rich in Vitamin E; its Vitamin E content is more than soybean and olive oil.
It is high in antioxidants and Vitamin C. It can regulate oil production while calming any inflammation. Antioxidants fight against free radicals formed in the body during the metabolism, which damage the internal organs, thereby increasing the life of the cells.
Studies show that omega-6 fatty acids help reduce the chances of heart disease by lowering bad cholesterol. LDL deposits cholesterol from peripheral organs to the heart, leading to the narrowing of major blood vessels of the heart. Omega 6 fatty acids, PUFA reduces LDL levels and thus prevent potential cardiovascular malfunctions and arrhythmias.
Grapeseed oil is gradually becoming a popular choice in many households due to its health benefits. It is a better alternative when compared with its other counterparts. The vitamins, antioxidants, fats, and fatty acids contribute to a healthy food choice.
Grapeseed oil is easily absorbed and tones the skin by rebalancing the skin pH levels. It diminishes the sun’s harmful effects by protecting the skin against harmful UV rays. It soothes and nourishes the skin’s appearance. Also, the oil keeps the complexion glowing while looking firm and smooth. It is a popular and potent topical treatment for skin diseases.
Grapeseed oil is an excellent hair sealant to lock on moisture. It prevents dryness of the scalp and helps nourish and heal your scalp from infections. It is immensely effective in preventing hair loss and is a natural heat repellent. Grapeseed oil has also proven itself a natural hair care product by stimulating follicles to promote new growth. For those with brittle or short lashes, grapeseed oil can help thicken and increase the length.
Studies on plant-based moisturisers’ anti-ageing and moisturising activity found that grapeseed oil improved the skin’s hydration and viscoelasticity (stretch and firmness).
It is rich in oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes and aids in collagen restoration on the cellular level.
Grapeseed oil rebalances the skin’s pH levels and adds back any moisture lost from cleansing.
It is anti-inflammatory and rich in beta-carotene and Vitamins D, C, E, and fatty acids-all of which reduce the appearance of spots and scars.
By regulating the skin’s natural oil production, it can reduce the blemishes and gives a smooth and glowing face.
Studies show that grapeseed oil extracted from grape seeds leads to antimicrobial activities due to the presence of the phenolic compound in its constituent. It oxidises the bacterial membrane and destroys it without affecting the host cell.
Grapeseed oil is a boon for patients with cancer and normal people because studies show that it is cytotoxic to tumour cells without compromising the normal metabolism of healthy cells. In addition, proanthocyanidins also have antiproliferative effects on cancer cells.
Grape seeds, in general, do not possess any side effects if taken in moderation. However, certain people are allergic to grapeseed oil. Studies show that it can cause rashes, itching, and several other skin-related problems in those people. However, if used as a culinary oil, it can lead to several other complications.
It is unsuitable for pregnant and nursing women because it has no medical recommendation. Also, these oils are under various research, hence should not be allowed during pregnancy.
Grapeseed oil can be used to moisturize the scalp but if overused, it can cause an itchy scalp. In addition, it is a natural blood thinner and may react with platelet factors and may form clots resulting in the bursting of the blood vessels giving rise to the most severe problem, which can lead to coma and even death. It may also react with the anti-cancer drug, Methotrexate and can cause further complications in cancer patients.
These oils are rich in unsaturated fatty acids; hence they are prone to oxidation and rancidity. However, when stored in dark containers which are airtight and away from sunlight, these seeds often offer a shelf life of almost a year. When refrigerated, it will last for about 12 months. There might appear to be a cloudy substance on it, but that does not affect the quality of the oil. At room temperature, the colour and consistency will not change.
You can use grapeseed oil for a multitude of purposes. For example, when conditioning your hair with it, you follow the method below:
Grapeseed is a byproduct of the winemaking process. Traditionally, people extract its oil content using either an organic solvent or mechanical techniques. Cold-pressing is a method of oil extraction that involves no heat or chemical treatment and hence may retain more health-beneficial components. Although the yield is usually lower than that with conventional solvent extraction, there is no concern about solvent residues in the oil in cold-pressing, resulting in a safer and more consumer-desired product.
Grapeseed Oil is the byproduct of the wine industry. However, considering its nutritional benefits, it can be considered the main product that people may derive from grapes. It has plenty of essential fatty acids and Vitamins such as Vitamin C, D, and E, which provide many benefits ranging from toning the skin to protecting the organs encompassing hair and beard benefits.
There are five varieties of grapes resulting from two species, out of which Bordeaux and Merlot grapes have higher yields. Grapeseed oil is not dangerous when consumed in moderation. However, when taken in doses higher than recommended or taken by people who are allergic to them may lead to complications ranging from mild such as itchy scalp, nausea, and dizziness to severe complications such as heart stroke, which can lead to coma and even death. It isn’t an excellent choice to use during pregnancy as its repercussions are unknown. It does not need special packing, but yes, you should prevent it from direct sunlight and oxygen as they may oxidise it and can cause rapidity, which means foul-smelling of the oil. In general conditions, the shelf life is approximately a year.
A. Grapeseed Oil has many benefits, and it is good in many ways, but mainly it is suitable for skin as it tones the skin and moisturises it. It also protects skin from UV radiations from the sun. It is also suitable for hair because it prevents dryness of the hair by locking its moisture and making it look shiny rather than dull.
A. Grapeseed Oil is good for the skin because the skin quickly absorbs it. It also tones the skin by rebalancing the skin Ph levels and keeps the skin’s complexion glowing. In addition, it soothes the skin and makes it look younger by diminishing the wrinkles.
A. Grapeseed oil improves hydration and maintains viscoelasticity (stretch and firmness) in the skin. It also restores collagen and thus makes your face softer and keeps cheeks firm.
A. Grapeseed oil is better than olive oil because olive oil in multiple aspects. Olive oil contains a larger quantity of monounsaturated fat content, which is harmful to the body and can lead to cardiovascular system malfunctions. However, grapeseed oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, also known as omega-6 fatty acids.
A. Yes, you can fry eggs in grapeseed oil as it is also a culinary oil. It is a better alternative than other culinary oils such as olive oil and soybean oil because its nutritional benefits give it an extra edge over them.
A. Grapeseed oil is the healthiest oil for frying foods. Also, it contains fewer monounsaturated fatty acids and plenty of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are beneficial for health.
A. Yes, grapeseed oil is good for hair. Grapeseed oil has proven itself a natural hair care product by stimulating follicles to promote new growth. In addition, for those with brittle or short lashes, grapeseed oil can help thicken and increase length.
A. Yes, grapeseed oil can lighten dark spots. It is anti-inflammatory and rich in beta-carotene and Vitamins D, C, E, and fatty acids, all of which reduce the appearance of spots and scars. It helps prevent acne by regulating your skin’s natural oil production. In addition, it can keep blemishes at bay.
A. Yes, grapeseed oil helps wrinkles as it restores collagen. It is rich in oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes. It also aids in collagen restoration on the cellular level.
A. Yes, cooking in grapeseed oil is healthy. Many people opt for it as their culinary oil because of its health-benefiting properties. In addition, it has fewer monounsaturated fatty acids and more polyunsaturated fatty acids.