Dumbbell Exercises for Healthy Weight Loss

Parul Dube
January 16, 2023
Parul Dube
January 16, 2023
One of the persistent questions when it comes to exercise for weight loss, is whether to prefer weight training or aerobic activity.
In the past, those who wanted to reduce weight chose cardio over resistance training. However, dumbbell exercises significantly increase strength, tone your body, and promote weight loss.
One can do dumbbell exercises at home or in the gym. They are suitable for people of all fitness levels.
Some of the best dumbbell exercises for weight loss include the following.
According to the CDC (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention), strength training exercises like dumbbell exercises can help increase your metabolism. As a result, it leads to weight loss. The CDC recommends that adults engage in strength training exercises at least twice a week.
Dumbbell exercises have numerous potential health advantages. But an overweight person may wonder if they will help them lose weight. For example, do exercises using dumbbells reduce belly fat?
Read on to find the answers.
Dumbbell exercises are a great way to lose weight and get in shape. They are relatively inexpensive. One can do it at home or in a gym.
They are effective because they allow you to use a variety of muscle groups in your body. As a result, it helps boost your metabolism and burn more calories.
Studies have shown that strength training exercises like these can help you lose weight and improve your overall physical health. However, in one study, people who did a combination of cardio and strength training did not result in significantly reducing more fat mass or body mass reductions over AT alone.
Another NIH (National Institute of Health, U.S.) study found that strength training can help increase your metabolism and burn more calories.
Furthermore, a review of 58 studies revealed that resistance exercise for at least four weeks could reduce body fat by an average of 1.46%. Additionally, visceral fat surrounds your abdominal muscles, and body fat mass may dramatically reduce.
Dumbbell exercises can be an effective way to lose weight and get in shape. But before trying any dumbbell exercise at home, always remember to start with a weight that is comfortable for you.
Later, gradually increase the weight as you become stronger. It is also essential to use the proper form to avoid injury. If you have questions about which exercises are best for you, consult a fitness professional or trainer.
For those who seek a fitness trainer and are interested in HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts with dumbbells, HealthifyMe can be a helpful resource. Our amazing fitness trainers can help you identify your need and thus include dumbbell exercises in your weight reduction journey.
According to one study, people can burn more calories during a HIIT session with an HRS (hydraulic resistance system) than during a steady-state workout session of the same duration.
The app considers the user’s preference for the intensity and duration of the workout and the type of available equipment. The app can generate a customised HIIT workout with dumbbell exercises based on this information.
It may include exercises such as dumbbell squats, dumbbell lunges, dumbbell push presses, and dumbbell rows. These exercises can help build muscle and increase metabolism, contributing to weight loss.
An 84 kg person can burn around 222 calories in 30 minutes of performing dumbbell squats. This exercise works the muscles in your legs, glutes, and core.
An 84kg person can burn around 178 calories in 30 minutes of performing dumbbell lunges. This exercise targets the muscles in your legs and glutes.
An 84 kg person can burn around 178 calories in 30 minutes of performing a dumbbell bench press. It works well for your chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles.
An 84 kg person can burn around 178 calories in 30 minutes of performing dumbbell rows. This exercise targets the muscles in your back, biceps, and core.
Dumbbell exercises can be a practical part of a weight loss program that includes a healthy diet and cardiovascular exercise. By strengthening your muscles and increasing your lean body mass, you can help your body burn more calories at rest, contributing to weight loss. However, it is essential to remember that weight loss ultimately depends on the balance between calorie intake and energy expenditure, so focusing on a balanced approach that includes diet and exercise is crucial.
Including dumbbell exercises in your routine can help you lose weight. When you engage in physical activity, your body burns calories. The more intense the training, the more calories you burn.
By adding dumbbell exercises to your workout routine, you can increase the intensity of your workouts and burn more calories, which can lead to weight loss. However, it is essential to remember that diet also plays a crucial role in weight loss.
For quick weight loss, you need to create a calorie deficit, which means burning more calories than you consume. So, in addition to exercising with dumbbells, it is also essential to focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet.
A. Yes, it is possible to lose weight by using dumbbells. Dumbbells can help you build muscle and increase your metabolism. As a result, it can help you burn more calories and lose weight. However, it is crucial to remember that weight loss ultimately depends on creating a calorie deficit. Therefore, in addition to strength training with dumbbells, you may also need to pay attention to your diet. You can also incorporate multiple forms of physical activity to see results.
A. Dumbbells can help you build muscle, but they will not specifically target fat loss in any one area of your body. To lose belly fat, you may create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume. It can be possible through a combination of diet and exercise.
Resistance training with dumbbells can help you build muscle. It also boosts your metabolism, which can contribute to overall fat loss. Still, it is not a specific solution for belly fat. To lose fat in this area, you should focus on overall weight loss through a healthy diet. In addition, you must create a regular exercise routine that includes cardio and strength training.
A. There is no one “best” dumbbell weight for weight loss. The appropriate weight for you will depend on your current strength, your goals, and your training program. Generally, starting with moderate weight is best and gradually increasing it as you become stronger. This will help prevent injury. Moreover, it will ensure you are adequately challenging your muscles. It is also essential to consider your overall diet and exercise program when trying to lose weight. A combination of strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and a balanced diet is usually the most effective approach.
1. Benefits of Physical Activity, Center for Disease Control and Prevention
2. How much physical activity do adults need? Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
3. Evidence mounts on the benefits of strength training, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
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