Why am I Gaining Weight So Fast? Possible Causes

Aditi Shenai
December 6, 2022
Aditi Shenai
December 6, 2022
The hustle to lose weight is not uncommon. According to a report, 45% of the global population is constantly trying to lose weight. There are many possible reasons why someone might gain weight fast.
Some reasons could include overeating, a sedentary lifestyle, hormonal changes, or certain medical conditions. Therefore, if you are concerned about weight gain, you must observe your lifestyle and eating habits. Besides, it is best to speak with a doctor or nutritionist to find out the cause and develop a plan to lose weight if necessary.
Don’t freak out if you’ve gained weight and are unsure why. Perhaps a hormonal issue, dietary restriction, physical activity, lifestyle choice, or some other factor is changing your physiology without your knowledge. While not all of the factors contributing to your unwanted weight gain are under your control, many of them are.
It can be frustrating if you’re gaining weight and don’t know why. Often, weight gain results from simple things like eating more, moving less, water retention, or hormonal changes related to the menstrual cycle or menopause. However, sudden or unexplained weight gain can also signify a serious health problem. To find out what’s causing your weight gain, check out this list of common causes and solutions.
Portion sizes that are too large can cause weight gain. For years now, portion sizes have been increasing, both at restaurants and in homes.
Large amounts of calorie-dense, low-nutrient foods increase calorie consumption overall, leading to weight gain. On the other hand, consuming bigger serving sizes of any meal, even nutrient-dense foods like fruits and healthy grains, can raise calorie intake and cause weight gain.
You may be gaining weight because of your food choices, even if you are mindful of your calorie intake. Besides the global rise in obesity rates, eating heavily processed foods might cause weight gain. According to a study, consuming ultra-processed food increases one’s risk of developing several obesity-related symptoms.
You can quickly gain weight by consuming sugary meals, including candies, cakes, soda, sports drinks, ice cream, iced tea, and sweetened coffee. As a result, you should consider reducing your intake of processed foods, including snacks and meals, while emphasising healthy food.
Certain medications and health-related conditions can induce rapid weight gain or water retention, resulting in unwanted weight. For example, people are more likely to gain weight when taking hormonal birth control, corticosteroids, antidepressants, and medications used to treat mental health issues.
In addition, hormonal health conditions like hypothyroidism, PCOS, and Cushing syndrome cause weight gain and obesity. In addition, women’s fluid retention during the menstrual cycle contributes to weight gain. Therefore, it’s crucial to acquire the proper diagnosis from your doctor to prevent or manage weight gain.
Inactivity is a significant cause of weight gain and chronic diseases. Sedentary activities include watching TV, driving, using a computer or phone, and working a desk job.
Although many specialists thought that work-related activities were the primary cause, followed by television viewing, lifestyle modifications like exercising and going for a walk after dinner rather than watching TV can significantly impact.
If you’re not careful, exercising can make you hungrier and cause you to eat more than you usually would. As a result, it can lead to weight gain, which defeats the purpose of working out in the first place. To avoid this, be mindful of what you eat before and after exercise. Choose healthy foods and stick to reasonable portion sizes.
A study of 10 overweight people on a low-calorie diet found that getting enough sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being. It says that those who slept 5.5 hours a night lost 55% less body fat and 60% more muscle mass than those who slept 8.5 hours a night. Hence, one of the reasons why you are gaining weight can be irregular sleep patterns.
You can try limiting screen time before bed, cutting back on your coffee intake, reading books, meditating, and getting to bed at a regular hour if you struggle with poor quality.
It’s natural to feel stressed when faced with challenging situations. Stress can help you perform better by sharpening your focus and giving you more energy. However, long-term stress is detrimental to your well-being and can lead to weight gain.
The stress hormone cortisol stays elevated when you are constantly under pressure. Cortisol makes you feel more hungry and can cause you to crave calorie-dense foods leading to weight gain.
Meditation, yoga, and outdoor activities are a few examples of stress reduction techniques to help you manage your stress and subsequently, your weight.
First, look closely at your way of life and see if stress, poor diet, insufficient sleep, or a sedentary lifestyle could be factors. It’s normal to gain a half to one pound per week if your diet is unhealthy. However, something else could be happening if you haven’t changed your eating or activity habits and are still gaining weight. You can also visit a doctor if you add one to two pounds each week and do not see the scales move down.
There are many reasons why people might gain weight, including poor sleeping habits, processed or sugary foods, and too much sitting. However, some easy steps can help, such as mindful eating, exercise, and eating healthy foods. If someone has sudden, unexplained weight gain, they should see a doctor and find out the cause and get proper treatment.