Category: Life

Increasing Your Height: How to Reach the Full Growth Potential- HealthifyMe
November 9, 2023

Increasing Your Height: How to Reach the Full Growth Potential

After growth is complete, there is no way to get taller legitimately, no matter what hacks or miraculous advice one may have heard online. After puberty, the only factor that one can control is how tall they appear. But there are a few factors that could help maximise growth before the height reaches its maximum. […]

By Mehak Shah

November 9, 2023

Stuttering: A Fluent Article On Speech Disfluency

Human communication is complex. It includes a variety of speech, gestures and expressions and we are not always smooth while expressing ourselves. We fumble, stutter, lisp, splutter and jabber. These mistakes, called disfluencies, are of various kinds and are more common among young children who are learning to speak. They have difficulty speaking as their […]

By Jahnvi Ranjan

7 Simple Tips and Ways to Improve Your Parent’s Health- HealthifyMe
April 12, 2023

7 Simple Tips and Ways to Improve Your Parent’s Health

When we were small children, our parents gave their utmost care and sacrificed a lot to improve our lives. They educated us, played a vital role in shaping our personalities and value system, and did their best to keep us healthy and fit. As they age, our responsibility is to ensure that our parent’s health […]

By Parul Dube

Simple Hacks to Beat Postpartum-HealthifyMe
May 19, 2022

Simple Hacks to Beat Postpartum

Postpartum depression affects up to 15 % of people after having a baby. It can an be long lasting with intense symptoms like physical, emotional and several behavioural changes. But don’t worry, we’re here to Healthify You and beat postpartum.

By Shreya Nayak

Family History of Cancer: Can it Affect Me?- HealthifyMe
May 14, 2022

Family History of Cancer: Can it Affect Me?

The diseases and ailments that run in your family account for your family’s health history. Your family members may transfer genes, behaviours, or circumstances that influence your cancer risk. As per the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) report, there were approximately 18.1 million cancer cases in 2020. These cases were almost evenly distributed among […]

By Aditi Shenai

November 9, 2023

Lauding The Imperfection Of A Perfect Mother

According to popular belief, a mother is someone who brings up a child with unconditional love and affection. To understand the dynamics of motherhood better, we spoke to various ‘Mothers’ to know their narratives of motherhood.  Let’s dig into their stories. 

By Jahnvi Ranjan

Crisis Fatigue
October 20, 2020

Crisis Fatigue – How to Prevent Covid19 From Taking Over Your Life

Millions of cases of COVID-19 have emerged as of now and are still increasing. Extended lockdowns and social distancing have permeated into our lives. People have to face long hours of working from home. All of this has become the new normal, something that the entire world must grapple with. But in this new reality, […]

By Dr.Swati Shukla

work life
September 14, 2020

7 tips to achieve work-life Balance amidst The Global Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has disrupted everybody’s Work-life balance. The virus is not only taking a toll on health issues, but it is also affecting our work and personal lives. All of a sudden, the concept of work from home has come into the limelight, taking into consideration the concepts of social distancing and […]

By Hiral Patel

July 15, 2020

11 Tips to Manage Social Anxiety When Getting Back to the Workplace

Are you feeling unsure and anxious about life after lockdown? Be assured, you’re not alone in it. As the governments around the world announce the removal of the restrictions imposed during the lockdown, many people are anxious about their ability to readjust themselves back to normality. Though most people are yearning for the time when […]

By Dr.Poonam Sharma

Self Isolation
July 13, 2020

Living Alone? Here are 6 Ways to Handle Self-isolation like a Pro

Ever since the Coronavirus pandemic gripped the world, self-isolation has become a norm and people are being asked to remain in the security of their homes to break the chain of transmission. But for social animals, such as us, staying apart from our loved ones for long, can be a traumatic experience.  Feelings of anxiousness, […]

By Dr.Poonam Sharma

June 25, 2020

7 Effective Tips to Deal with Stress and Anxiety Amid the Global Pandemic

It is normal to feel stressed or anxious amidst a global pandemic where everything seems tragic, drastic, and messy on our lovely blue planet. The rising spread of COVID-19 and the fear it has brought about has taken a toll on several minds and bodies. Even though stress and anxiety are not acknowledged as problems, […]

By Alpa Momaya

Quit Smoking
August 3, 2023

Quit Smoking and Add Years To Your Life

Quit smoking. Tobacco and cigarettes are injurious to health, but they also help you lose weight! Studies tell us that smoking causes cancer while it also facilitates weight loss.  Confused? We’re here to help! Let’s start by weighing out the pros and cons of quitting smoking.  Cons of quitting If you have observed that you […]

By Roshini Gilbert

April 30, 2021

Say ‘No’ To New Year Resolutions

It’s time for the new year yet again, this calls for some ‘resolutions’ doesn’t it? Let’s say you don’t have to make a resolution, instead just have to join a revolution and you wouldn’t have any trouble sticking to it. We are talking about the 21 Day Challenge. What is that you ask? Read on […]

By Roshini Gilbert

what nutritionists eat
August 3, 2023

What Nutritionists Order When Eating Out

This time of year everyone is swept up in the whirlwind of parties and dining out with friends, colleagues and family. This can get tricky, especially when you’re trying to eat healthy. Let’s see how the professionals handle this by looking a what nutritionists order when eating out. However, eating at a restaurant doesn’t have […]

By Habil

February 11, 2021

Are you on a Marathon Training Diet Plan? Know how to Prevent Weight Gain

You’ve been training hard for a marathon – forcing yourself out of bed every morning, running progressively longer distances, building the strength, stamina and endurance for the big day, whilst following a strict diet to fuel up for the intensive training that’s underway. The rigorous physical activity and disciplined lifestyle should ensure that you end […]

By R. Kalpana

alcohol-related health issues
August 3, 2023

Movember: The Effect of Alcohol on Men’s Health

After a long, hard day at work, do you pour yourself a drink to take the edge off? It may be time to put a cork in it. Experts say that drinking in moderation — two drinks a day for men, one for women — is good for health. But few people stop to think […]

By Kamala Somasundaram

healthy diet
November 29, 2021

Nutritious Foods To Banish Dark Circles

When was the last time you looked into the mirror and didn’t see a pair of dark circles staring back at you? Periorbital circles, the clinical term for dark blemishes under the eyes, develop when blood pools beneath the eyes and causes fragile capillaries to stretch and leak. Because skin under the eyes is thin, […]

By Alpa Momaya

July 12, 2019

4 Reasons You Should Not Crash Diet Before your Wedding

Planning a wedding is hard work and following a wedding diet is even harder, especially for   a bride-to-be whose to-do list includes losing weight for the big day. Which is why instead of exercising and clean eating, many women crash diet to quickly get in shape. What they don’t realise is that extreme weight […]

By Kamala Somasundaram

Depression Affects
February 10, 2021

Movember: How Depression Affects Men & Women Differently

For a long time, clinical depression was known as a “woman’s disease.” While it’s true that women are twice as likely to develop depression as compared to men, experts believe that plenty of men suffer from this serious and pervasive illness. However, men tend to experience it differently as compared to women, and many times may […]

By R. Kalpana

August 4, 2023

How To Improve Posture at Work

“Sit up straight.” “Stand tall”. “Don’t slouch.” Mom’s commandments to improve your posture may have gotten the eye roll when we were children, but research suggests it makes sound sense.  Why does posture matter? Posture refers to the body’s alignment and positioning with respect to gravity. Good posture helps distribute the force of gravity through the […]

By Chaitanya Varma

August 4, 2023

How a Bad Diet Worsens Postpartum Depression

The life of a new mother is filled with challenges – recovering physically from labor and delivery, getting used to life with a newborn, dealing with new responsibilities, lack of sleep, and problems with breastfeeding. The baby blues also make an appearance but this short-lived state that affects about 70% of new moms passes in […]

By Meenakshi S.

Diet & Fitness Goals
September 15, 2020

Travel Hacks to Help You Maintain Your Diet & Fitness Goals

Whether you’re traveling on work or with friends/family, your routine is likely to be overturned. Sticking to your regular workout plan and diet is unlikely. Even just a week’s break from your usual regimen can slow your metabolism, and cause hormonal imbalance and muscle weakness. But going on a trip doesn’t have to mean journeying […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

gain weight after weaning
October 19, 2021

Post-Pregnancy Care: How Your Body Changes Once You Stop Breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the mother’s body is constantly changing and this transformation continues even after birth. Many new mothers, anxious about the weight they’ve gained over nine months, are happy to learn that simply breastfeeding their baby can help you burn up to 500 calories a day. This is partly because the body works hard to […]

By Meenakshi S.

October 21, 2022

5 Reasons Why You Need To Detox Post Diwali

It’s hard to be virtuous about your diet when you’re surrounded by mounds of glistening laddoos, creamy barfi and crispy fried namkeen treats. Don’t stress out too much if you’ve overindulged during Diwali, because all you need to do is follow a detox regimen to get back to your healthy, happy self. In a nutshell, […]

By Nahida

Cut Down Calories during Diwali
August 4, 2023

10 Ways To Cut Down Calories during Diwali

Diwali may be the festival of lights, but it’s a time of year that weighs heavy on our diet. Tempted by delicious looking mithai, crispy namkeens and other calorie-rich foods, we watch as our healthy eating habits fly out the window and the festive kilos pile on. While we are encouraging you to celebrate a […]

By Nahida

Slay weight-loss
February 4, 2021

Slay Weight-loss Demons by opting for Good Fat over Bad

On Dussehra, the day Ram vanquished Raavan, we celebrate the victory of good over evil. Reason enough for the health conscious to allow good choices to outweigh the bad in their diet. We suggest you begin with the most fitting win of all – embrace good fat, eliminate bad fat and score an essential victory […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

Improved Mental health
August 4, 2023

Boost Your Mental Health With Diet and Exercise

Feeling blue? Curled up into a ball? Bingeing on a bar of chocolate? Get up and move around, because chocolate won’t solve your problems! You can, however, use healthy food and exercise to keep your stress & anxiety levels in check and boost your mental health.   Nearly 5% of India’s population suffers from common […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

healthy living
February 10, 2021

4 Reasons Why You Still Aren’t Losing Weight

Have you ever been in a situation where, despite sticking to your diet and exercise plan, your weight stubbornly refuses to budge? This is a common problem many people face during the course of their weight loss programme and can be traced back to factors like unhealthy lifestyle, diet mistakes, plateauing of the metabolic rate or […]

By R. Kalpana

August 4, 2023

World Heart Day – 10 Superfoods for a Healthy Heart

When it comes to heart health, most people swing into action when a blood test result brings worrisome news, but that approach is short sighted. If you really want to make a difference to your heart health and increase your stamina, you have to think ahead, especially when it comes to your diet. Eating healthy […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

Diet Tips for a Healthy Heart
November 12, 2021

World Heart Day – Diet Tips for a Healthy Heart

With Cardiovascular diseases on the rise, India is said to become the ‘heart disease capital of the world’ in the coming years. As most of us lead sedentary lifestyles—one of the biggest factors behind heart ailments—knowing what can be done to ward off the threat of cardiovascular diseases, and protecting from debilitating conditions like heart […]

By Sumita Thomas