Everything You Need to Know About 12-Grain Bread

Mehak Shah
April 19, 2023
Mehak Shah
April 19, 2023
Bread is a supper staple, a complimentary item at fine dining restaurants, and possibly the world’s most popular carb. It goes with practically every meal. Unfortunately, some loaves are high in sugar and unprocessed white flour. Switching from white to 12-grain bread might provide a minor nutritional boost, as most of these get fortified with minerals and vitamins.
Each slice of 12-grain bread contains wholesome ingredients, like whole wheat, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, oats, barley, and brown rice for flavour and nutrition. The unique blend of grains, seeds, and nuts makes 12-grain bread a better choice than regular white bread.
The prime ingredients in 12-grain bread include whole wheat, amaranth, barley, oats, rye, soy, buckwheat, sesame seeds, millet, triticale, and flaxseeds. However, 12-grain bread isn’t always whole grain bread. A loaf of bread must be produced entirely with whole-grain flour to be whole grain bread. So always double-check the list of ingredients.
For example, it’s whole grain if the first component states 100% whole wheat. Whole grains are popular because they contain bran, germ, and endosperm. You can add 12-grain bread to the diet depending on your carb and calorie requirements.
According to the USDA, 100 grams of 12-grain bread contains the following nutrients.
As per the USDA data, one slice (43 grams) of 12-grain bread contains the following nutrients:
12-grain bread is a carbohydrate-rich food because its main ingredient is wheat flour. The amount of carbohydrates in a serving of this bread depends on size and brand.
On average, one slice of 12-grain bread makes up 6% of the recommended daily value for carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in 12-grain bread come from flour, wheat, brown sugar and oats. If you have a carb-controlled diet, limit the number of bread slices you eat.
The protein in a slice of 12-grain bread is slightly less than a 6-ounce (or around one Katori) container of unsweetened yoghurt or whole eggs.
A slice of 12-grain bread is equivalent to 5% of the recommended daily fat intake. It comes from oils, sunflower seeds and flaxseed (depending on the brand), which are considered a healthy source of fat. The 12-grain bread usually does not contain saturated or trans fats, but this depends on the brand. Therefore, always check the food label.
One slice of 12-grain bread offers significant amounts of niacin, riboflavin, calcium, and iron. The niacin content in one piece of bread equals 8% DV, and the riboflavin level is 4% DV.
An average person who does not have strict carbohydrate restrictions can eat 4-6 slices of 12-grain bread per day. However, eating just three 12-grain bread slices can quickly exceed 100 grams. Therefore, it becomes necessary to know the nutritional value of 12-grain bread per individual slice.
When you’re buying 12-grain bread, look for the ingredients. Most contain whole grains that retain fibre, vitamins, and minerals. A 12-grain bread packet label that says 100% whole grain means the ingredients are grains with complete nutrients.
According to a study, dietary whole-grain intake can reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and gastric cancers. Moreover, choosing 12-grain bread means choosing less-processed, higher-quality carbs.
12-grain bread is becoming popular among health-conscious people. It is readily available in farmers’ markets, grocery stores, and local neighbourhood markets.
In addition, 12-grain bread is relatively easy to include in your diet because it requires little to no preparation. Furthermore, certified 12-grain bread contains no preservatives or shortenings of any kind. Therefore, it is a healthy addition to your diet.
Seeds provide heart-healthy fats and are high in protein. Including the best seeds in your daily diet can provide you with fibre, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients. For example, 12-grain bread contains flaxseeds, sunflower, and sesame seeds. The fibre in flax seeds contains lignans, an antioxidant with omega-3 fatty acids. As a result, it can prevent heart diseases and reduce asthma and other chronic illnesses.
Studies show that lignans in flaxseeds are 75 to 800 times more than any other oil seeds, cereals, and legumes. Therefore, eating 12-grain bread ensures a good supply of lignan-rich flaxseeds. In addition, the sesame and sunflower seeds in 12-grain bread give you an energy boost. The heart-healthy fats in these seeds offer a double dose of nutritional advantage.
The intense refining process strips white bread of many natural nutrients. Unlike white bread, 12-grain bread undergoes a slow-bake process to preserve grains’ natural bran and fibre. As a result, it contains more fibre and has a higher nutritional value.
12-grain bread is not for everyone, especially those who have food sensitivities. For example, it is unsuitable for people with celiac disease because the wheat gluten in 12-grain bread triggers an immune response in the small intestine. Therefore, people with celiac disease should avoid all gluten-containing foods, including 12-grain bread.
Wheat is one of the top eight foods that children are allergic to. So when adding 12-grain bread into a child’s diet, parents should take extra caution and monitor the aftereffects of eating it.
According to a study, occupational rhinitis or asthma is a common sign of a wheat allergy. Moreover, the allergic symptoms might occur 1-6 hours after eating the 12-grain bread.
Seed allergies can cause severe reactions in certain people. For example, sunflower and sesame seeds in some kinds of 12-grain bread might cause anaphylaxis in people who are sensitive to them.
Keeping 12-grain bread without proper storage can cause mould growth. Make sure to read the labels and eat the bread before the expiration date on the package. Mould might occur as early as three days after purchasing.
It’s possible to stop the bread from moulding too soon. You can freeze or refrigerate the bread. However, prolonged freezing can affect the quality of the loaf. For example, you might not obtain the rich, whole wheat flavour from storing the 12-grain bread in the freezer for multiple weeks.
Any bacteria and fungi become inactive by freezing at 0°F. However, when you defrost 12-grain bread, germs can become activated again and grow to levels that cause foodborne disease. Therefore, to prevent expired food, plan on eating the bread as soon as you purchase it. Refrigeration might help your bread mould less rapidly, but it can also cause the texture to degrade more quickly. So it’s preferable to freeze a 12-grain for a day or two. But, always remember to defrost thereafter.
Storing the bread in a breadbox helps maintain its flavour as it is less exposed to natural light and is more likely to keep the bread in its original shape. In addition, the inside of the 12-grain bread is soft, so if you put something on the side or top, it will collapse. To keep the bread fresh and prevent mould growth, do not store the bread in a box (or countertop) for more than three days.
Another significant side effect of eating 12-grain bread is the possibility of bloating, stomach cramps, and constipation. However, it is more prevalent among people with pre-existing gastrointestinal issues. Contrary to what people think, gluten is not always the reason for digestive discomfort after eating 12-grain bread. The fructans, a type of carbohydrate, in 12-grain bread can also cause unwanted side effects for those with irritable bowel syndrome.
12-gain bread does not have too many downsides. However, people allergic to gluten must avoid it. In addition, you must eat it in moderation to reap its benefits.
12-grain bread has more fibre and nutrients than regular white bread. Replacing white bread with 12-grain bread or other multigrain bread can ensure a nutritional boost to your diet. 12-grain bread can provide lignans, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients. However, people with celiac disease should avoid all gluten-containing goods, including 12-grain bread. And when comparing bread at the grocery store, always choose the 12-grain bread with the highest whole-grain content.
A. Yes, grain bread is good for you. Whole grains in grain bread are rich in protein, fibre, B vitamins and many other nutrients that help lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system and help control weight. It is also a healthier alternative to white bread.
A. The healthiest bread has the highest proportion of whole grains. And such whole-grain bread contains nutrient-rich germ and bran. So, for example, twelve-grain bread is a more nutritious option because it offers more dietary fibre, heart-healthy seeds, and less processed, higher-quality carbs.
A. Whole grains contain all parts of the grain kernel. However, refined grains such as flour used in the production of white bread removed the fibrous bran and nutrient-rich endosperm, leaving only starchy endosperm. Removing bran and germ removes essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, proteins and fibre.
A. Multigrain and whole-grain are relatively nutritious options. However, it’s difficult to say which is healthier because there can be individual variations among recipes. For example, if the multigrain bread does not use 100% whole grain, it might fall short in terms of nutrition.