Tag: fitness

  • Hypothyroidism – Diet Plan, Causes, and Symptoms

    Hypothyroidism – Diet Plan, Causes, and Symptoms

    Before jumping into what is good for your body and what isn’t, you should first understand the term hypothyroidism.  The thyroid gland is located near the bottom of your neck, in the shape of a butterfly. This gland releases thyroid hormones into your blood, after getting thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from your pituitary gland. However, when […]

  • High Blood Pressure: Causes, Symptoms and Foods to Eat

    High Blood Pressure: Causes, Symptoms and Foods to Eat

    Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure (BP), is a medical condition due to which the blood pressure in the arteries rises continuously. This persistently high blood pressure may lead to various complicated medical conditions such as heart disease and kidney failure, eventually leading to significant lifestyle problems. Normal blood pressure range Blood pressure is […]

  • This 28-year-old businesswoman shed her post-pregnancy weight in less than a year!

    This 28-year-old businesswoman shed her post-pregnancy weight in less than a year!

    It was September 2017. Ishav Mehta found herself a few months into motherhood and struggling with the sudden weight gain that comes with it. A self-proclaimed ‘health freak’, Ishav was hurt to find out that she weighed 67 kg. “While being blessed with a baby girl is the best thing that has happened to me, […]

  • Putting #HerHealthFirst helped Reet Bhatia overcome cholesterol and lose 10 kg in 3 months

    Putting #HerHealthFirst helped Reet Bhatia overcome cholesterol and lose 10 kg in 3 months

    In a world where careers outweigh everything else, health has taken a back seat for most individuals. 38-year-old Reet Bhatia was no different. The 6 years she spent as a manager at a multinational company in England saw her weight go from 62 kg to 87 kg. In addition to that, she was diagnosed with […]

  • Weight loss at home – Rashi Kathuria’s transformation story

    Weight loss at home – Rashi Kathuria’s transformation story

    One the most challenging tasks for someone who has been above their ideal weight all their life is to start losing those extra kilos. Rashi, an online entrepreneur and homemaker from New Delhi, has been struggling with extra weight for a long time. She always faced a number of challenges, starting with fitting into clothes […]