Author: Neha Jain

  • In the mood to snack? Choose sprouts

    In the mood to snack? Choose sprouts

    Cheap, home-grown and healthy – three reasons why you need to grow a liking for sprouts. Experts estimate there are over 100 times more enzymes (special types of proteins that act as catalysts for all your body’s functions) in sprouts than uncooked fruits and vegetables. The energy contained in the bean or legume is ignited […]

  • Want a protein packed lunch? Try Tofu

    Want a protein packed lunch? Try Tofu

    Some dismiss it as tough version of paneer, but there are several benefits to including tofu in your diet. Tofu, or bean curd, is derived from curdling fresh soya milk, pressing it into a solid block and then cooling it – in much the same way as paneer. The liquid (whey) is discarded, and the […]

  • Try this healthy pav bhaji sans the calories

    Try this healthy pav bhaji sans the calories

    Find yourself craving a tangy treat, but don’t want to break your diet? Try this homemade pav bhaji recipe which will satiate your desire for some chatpata street food while ensuring you stay within your daily calorie consumption count. Just a few pointers – this should be had as a meal, not snack, since it […]

  • Magic Soup that Guarantees Weight Loss

    Magic Soup that Guarantees Weight Loss

    Soup is among the foods listed as being great for weightloss. It’s more beneficial than drinking a glass of water with a meal, another diet tip that’s often handed out. Research has revealed that soup before a meal is filling, and helps you eat less and take in fewer calories which is great for weight […]

  • Winter diet recipes to support weight loss

    Winter diet recipes to support weight loss

    As the season’s change, your body’s biological rhythms changes, thereby making your weight loss journey challenging. Research shows that we have groups of genes that are impacted by the body’s circadian rhythms (biological clock). Many of these genes can impact body weight and hormones (like adiponectin production, which increases insulin sensitivity and fat burning). It’s […]