Tag: fitness

  • Why a virtual trainer scores over one in person

    Why a virtual trainer scores over one in person

    The battle to lose weight is one that people struggle with on a daily basis. You have your good days, like the ones where you step on the scale to learn that you’ve dropped a kilo. There are the bad days too, where you can’t find the time to exercise, or you’ve cheated on your […]

  • Can a vegetarian diet help you lose weight faster?

    Can a vegetarian diet help you lose weight faster?

    Pumpkin or poultry – which of the two meal choices are likely to help you drop the pounds? Research shows that following a vegetarian diet may actually help you lose weight faster. There are many reasons why people choose to go vegetarian. Some are compelled by the environmental impact of confinement animal feeding operations (CAFO). […]

  • Five diet-exercise tips to a cellulite free body

    Five diet-exercise tips to a cellulite free body

    Are you ready to get in shape for summer? Get to work on those fat deposits, for starters. Choosing the right diet, exercise and boosting blood flow are simple ways to trim cellulite. Cellulite, usually found in the butt area, lower limbs, abdomen and arms causing the skin to wrinkle like an orange peel, is […]

  • Cancer patients can workout to better health

    Cancer patients can workout to better health

    Can exercise prevent cancer? February 4 was World Cancer Day, and among the many diverse benefits of a fitness regimen, research has shown that staying active can protect people from colon, lung, breast, prostate and endometrial cancers. An increasing risk of these cancers is linked to weight gain and obesity. Although in other cancers, exercise […]

  • Marathon Running: The New Counselling for Couples?

    Marathon Running: The New Counselling for Couples?

    Relationships are hard work. Sometimes they can suck. But sometimes (most of the time, hopefully) you wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. No matter what relationship you’re in, everyone faces the same difficulties from time to time. Arguments can happen. It’s normal, but shouldn’t be tolerated. That’s why I want to talk to you. I want to talk […]