Tag: experts

  • 5 things about weight loss you need to know

    5 things about weight loss you need to know

    Eating less and exercising more doesn’t necessarily translate to weight loss. And you weight actually says very little about your body’s composition or deposits of hidden fat. A better understanding of your body and weight along with a healthy diet and exercise plan can help you build the body you deserve. To accomplish that, there…

  • Dropping sizes is better than losing kilos

    Dropping sizes is better than losing kilos

    You’ve been working out consistently, and being diligent about your diet. You’re dropping sizes, but it isn’t reflecting on the scales. How frustrating is that? But don’t despair – when trying to get fit, dropping numbers on the scale is only part of the picture. Our body weight is made up of things like muscle tissue…

  • Are you marathon-ready?

    Are you marathon-ready?

    The 6km Dream Run may seem like a breeze and you may have managed a few half marathons with ease. But the rules of mathematics get tossed aside when you sign up for the full marathon. Veterans will tell you that 21 km x 2 does not equal 42 km. It is ten times as…

  • Can salad replace Indian Food?

    Can salad replace Indian Food?

    There was a time when a bowl of salad used to be part of Indian food, to be enjoyed on the side along with dessert and condiments. Now, people substitute their lunch or dinner with salad in order to cut down on calories. But are weight-fighting powers of salad exaggerated? There’s no clear answer to…

  • Why Sleep Loss Affects Weight Loss

    Why Sleep Loss Affects Weight Loss

    In the fast-paced world, we live in today, sleep often takes a backseat to the demands of our busy lives. Many of us are guilty of sacrificing those precious hours of rest to meet work deadlines, social obligations, or simply to binge-watch our favourite TV shows. While the consequences of sleep loss are widely recognized,…