Tag: diet

  • I lost 14 kg in 3 months, thanks to HealthifyMe

    During and after her first pregnancy, Anuradha put on about 10 kg. One day as she dressed up, she found that she couldn’t fit into her sari blouse.

  • Can Vitamin-C replace your daily exercise?

    Can Vitamin-C replace your daily exercise?

    The benefits of Vitamin C are many: Protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, eye problems, prenatal health issues, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling. But recent research seems to indicate that daily vitamin C supplements could have cardiovascular benefits similar to regular exercise for overweight and obese adults. Overweight and obese adults show an […]

  • I went from 80 kg to 64 kg with HealthifyMe

    Naresh grew up in a small town in Karnataka and a traditional South Indian breakfast was a must. His day usually began with poori-bhaaji, or medu wadas/masala dosa with a generous helping of coconut chutney and sambhar. But weight was never a concern as he was blessed with a sleek frame; he weighed only 58 kg while at college.

  • Diet vs exercise: What helps you lose weight?

    Diet vs exercise: What helps you lose weight?

    You’ve been exercising each day regularly but aren’t really shedding the kilos. Have you been watching your diet? A recent study has shown that eating less is far more important than exercising to lose weight. Everyone knows that the key to weight loss is to consume fewer calories than you burn. For most people, it’s […]

  • Corn Chatpata: Tea-Time Treat in Season

    Corn Chatpata: Tea-Time Treat in Season

    It’s tea-time and the tummy’s rumbling. But do a cup of tea and a snack spell good news for those on a diet? Why not, if both are smart and sensible choices. The Best Tea for You Opt for green tea/white tea, both which are minimally processed and are “in” these days. The two varieties […]