Author: Dileep B. Shivaram

  • Boost Your Mental Health With Diet and Exercise

    Boost Your Mental Health With Diet and Exercise

    Feeling blue? Curled up into a ball? Bingeing on a bar of chocolate? Get up and move around, because chocolate won’t solve your problems! You can, however, use healthy food and exercise to keep your stress & anxiety levels in check and boost your mental health.   Nearly 5% of India’s population suffers from common…

  • Cardio Routines: How brisk walking can help tone your lower body

    Cardio Routines: How brisk walking can help tone your lower body

    No time to go to the gym but want to lose weight? Why not try an exercise form that you can do at anytime and anywhere? Brisk walking. Walking may seem dull when compared to other calorie-busting cardio forms, but research continues to back it as a critical component of a weight loss programme.  An…

  • 5 reasons you need to re-resolve to be fit and healthy

    With long commutes, work-related stress, sedentary jobs and unhealthy eating habits, the modern lifestyle are taking a toll on both the mental and physical health of people. Obesity is a growing problem and it is estimated that cardiovascular disease will be the cause of over 40 per cent deaths in India by 2020, making the…

  • Get a flat tummy with these 7 exercises

    Get a flat tummy with these 7 exercises

    The tummy is the most difficult to get rid of when you’re trying to get into shape. Just following a diet is not enough and you need to have an exercise regime to get that dashboard flat tummy. Here are 7 exercises that will zap away belly fat without the need to hit a gym.…

  • 5 exercises to tone your triceps and show off sexy arms

    5 exercises to tone your triceps and show off sexy arms

    Have you ever shied away from wearing a sleeveless or cocktail dress because you can’t dare to bare your bulging arms? No more! These five simple exercises to tone your triceps will let you wave your hellos in a sleeveless top. That arm jiggle? It will be a thing of the past. As will the…