Author: Chaitanya Varma
International Day of Yoga at HealthifyMe
What is International Day of Yoga? International Day of Yoga came into existence on December 11, 2014, when the United Nations General Assembly declared June 21st, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, as the official day to celebrate the wondrous discipline, Yoga. Celebrating #IDYWithReebok Celebrating International Day of Yoga has been…
How To Improve Posture at Work
“Sit up straight.” “Stand tall”. “Don’t slouch.” Mom’s commandments to improve your posture may have gotten the eye roll when we were children, but research suggests it makes sound sense. Why does posture matter? Posture refers to the body’s alignment and positioning with respect to gravity. Good posture helps distribute the force of gravity through the…
How Stress Affects Weight Loss
Deadlines. Money issues. Relationship pressures. The deadline-driven digital world we live in has made stress an integral part of our lives. Apart from affecting mental and emotional health, stress can also affect one’s physical well being. The stress hormone, cortisol, has been linked to increased amounts of adipose tissue and can lead to weight gain.…
6 yoga moves that will banish neck pain forever
Desk jobs tend to bring along neck pain. Bad posture, stress and physiological tension can lead to stiff necks or neck spasms. The next time you feel a twinge in the neck, chuck the painkiller or hot water bag and try these seven yoga poses instead. Done regularly, these poses will ensure that your neck and…
Yoga for Digestion – 5 Yoga Poses to Help Aid Digestion
The health benefits of yoga are known the world over. Apart from providing mental peace, it can also help target specific problems like a bad back, boost a sluggish metabolism, help torch fat, lose weight on the belly or ease digestive woes. It’s true! Whether you’ve succumbed to a big meal or are suffering from…