Month: April 2015

  • Do you need to be flexible to do yoga?

    Do you need to be flexible to do yoga?

    Are you shying away from yoga just because you can barely touch your toes without bending your knees? Well, don’t be discouraged by your inflexibility; you don’t need to be flexible to do yoga. In fact, being very bendy doesn’t make you better at yoga at all. Those with stiff bodies will encounter a few […]

  • Find a workout you love to lose weight

    Find a workout you love to lose weight

    Most people approach exercise with a feeling of dread. Excuses like ‘We just don’t want to go for a workout’ or ‘I’m not feeling up to it’ are commonly made when lethargy sets in after office hours or a draining day of housework. Fitness is the last thing on your mind at this point so […]

  • Tinda: The Underrated Superfood

    Tinda: The Underrated Superfood

    Are you someone who turns your nose up at the sight of Tinda? Think again because this light summer gourd, popularly called Tinda, is a superfood and has numerous health benefits. Tinda consists of 94% water and has very few calories, approximately 66 cal in 100 grams per serving. That is what makes it a […]

  • Why stress makes you fat and how you can beat it

    Why stress makes you fat and how you can beat it

    Are you having trouble fitting into your favourite LBD (Little Black Dress) despite sweating it out at the gym? Believe it or not, stress could be the culprit. Numerous studies conducted over the past two decades have revealed that prolonged stress not only makes one prone to faster ageing, heart disease and stroke but also […]

  • Cooking trick to cut calories in rice

    Cooking trick to cut calories in rice

    Soft puffy chawal with rajma, chicken curry, chole or sambar is a source of comfort on the toughest of days. Rice is an intrinsic part of the diet of most Indians. Unfortunately, it is unhealthy as it is laden with starch and empty calories. Wouldn’t you like it if there was a way to cut […]