Tag: weight lose

  • Why women find it tougher to lose weight

    You watch every morsel you put into your mouth, you hit the gym with unflinching regularity and you haven’t missed a yoga class in six months. Why aren’t you losing weight? We all know that exercise alone can’t help you lose weight but perhaps your gender is to blame! A study, carried out at Rowett […]

  • 5 foods that help balance hormones

    If your hormones are out of gear, your body will be too. For hormones are the body’s chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream to get specific organs to act in a certain way. Hormone disorders can lead to several illnesses like diabetes, thyroid, heart disease, osteoporosis and even lupus have their origins in hormone […]

  • Exercise alone won’t help you lose weight

    You’ve been hitting the gym 6 days a week but aren’t losing any weight. Why are you going around in circles when it comes to weight loss? Relax for there’s nothing wrong with what you are doing. A new study conducted at the City University of New York and published in the journal Current Biology […]

  • Diet vs exercise: What helps you lose weight?

    Diet vs exercise: What helps you lose weight?

    You’ve been exercising each day regularly but aren’t really shedding the kilos. Have you been watching your diet? A recent study has shown that eating less is far more important than exercising to lose weight. Everyone knows that the key to weight loss is to consume fewer calories than you burn. For most people, it’s […]