Tag: lose weight with thyroid

  • Akanksha Triumphs over the Aftermath of her Thyroid Treatment

    Akanksha Triumphs over the Aftermath of her Thyroid Treatment

    Suffering from a medical condition has an impact on one’s physical and mental well-being. Akanksha Chauhan, a homemaker from a small town in Bijnaur, Uttar Pradesh, tells us about the aftermath of her thyroid treatment and the effect it had on her physical and mental health. When a person is confronted by a medical condition,…

  • 7 tips to lose weight with thyroid

    Located above the Adam’s apple, the thyroid gland has a huge impact on bodily functions. This butterfly-shaped gland produces the thyroid hormone, which regulates the body’s heartbeat, metabolism, and temperature. An under-active or overactive thyroid can affect your body. An under-active gland produces too little of the hormone causing hypothyroidism; an overactive one produces way…