Tag: healthy lifestyle

  • Travel Hacks to Help You Maintain Your Diet & Fitness Goals

    Travel Hacks to Help You Maintain Your Diet & Fitness Goals

    Whether you’re traveling on work or with friends/family, your routine is likely to be overturned. Sticking to your regular workout plan and diet is unlikely. Even just a week’s break from your usual regimen can slow your metabolism, and cause hormonal imbalance and muscle weakness. But going on a trip doesn’t have to mean journeying […]

  • 4 Reasons Why Exercise is the Best Drug for Depression

    4 Reasons Why Exercise is the Best Drug for Depression

    The fortunate individuals who haven’t experienced depression, find it difficult to understand the hardships faced by people who suffer from it. Author of The Guardian, Tim Lott summarizes it as: “Depression is actually much more complex, nuanced and dark than unhappiness—more like an implosion of self. In a serious state of depression, you become a […]

  • 10 easy ways to boost your fitness levels

    10 easy ways to boost your fitness levels

    Too busy to hit the gym? Don’t fret! Here are some nifty ways to get fit without making drastic changes to your daily routine. Taking your dog for a walk gives you more than eight hours of exercise a week, according to a study by the UK-based pet care company Bob Martin.   Giving up […]

  • The four pillars to adopt a healthy lifestyle

    The four pillars to adopt a healthy lifestyle

    Embarked on a detox week after binge eating over the weekend, but forgot to slot in the exercise in your daily routine? Started your day with yoga, but ended it with an entire pizza? Eating small meals at frequent intervals, working out regularly, but failing to get enough sleep? Do you relate to this? If […]

  • 5 reasons you need to re-resolve to be fit and healthy

    With long commutes, work-related stress, sedentary jobs and unhealthy eating habits, the modern lifestyle are taking a toll on both the mental and physical health of people. Obesity is a growing problem and it is estimated that cardiovascular disease will be the cause of over 40 per cent deaths in India by 2020, making the […]