Month: June 2015

  • Five expert tips to help you get your diet right

    Five expert tips to help you get your diet right

    Are you trying to eat healthier, but not sure where to start? If you’re not ready to invest in a professional nutrition plan just yet, keep these five tips in mind to get your diet right: #1 How much you eat is more important than what you eat You can eat everything when you’re on […]

  • 5 things to keep in mind for a weight-loss plan

    5 things to keep in mind for a weight-loss plan

    From multiple diet plans and different kinds of exercise routines to opinions about the amount of water and sleep required, there’s a lot of advice available on weight-loss today. It’s clear there isn’t only one route to losing weight, and most experts believe in solutions that are tailored to individual needs. So how you do know […]

  • Dehydration can make you fat

    Dehydration can make you fat

    Did you know your body is made up of 50-75% water? That’s one of the reasons why H20 is critical for health.According to research done by the Mayo Clinic, the average adult loses about 10 cups water every day through breathing, sweating, urinating and eliminating waste. While this can cause problems for your joints, digestive […]

  • Easy ways to measure portion sizes

    Easy ways to measure portion sizes

    Most diet and fitness experts recommend restricting serving sizes to anyone who wants to lose weight. And measuring your food is the best way to do that. But what’s an accurate measure? Serving sizes, for instance, are a standard measure of food, in cup or gram weight. That doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing as […]

  • Best breathing techniques for different workouts

    Best breathing techniques for different workouts

    Breathing properly is essential during exercise. And while most of us believe that there is little to learn about a function as natural as inhaling and exhaling, when you’re working out, there’s more to keep in mind than just breathing in or out. Proper breathing is essential for delivering oxygen to our bodies, which in […]