Tag: shoulder pain

  • How To Improve Posture at Work

    How To Improve Posture at Work

    “Sit up straight.” “Stand tall”. “Don’t slouch.” Mom’s commandments to improve your posture may have gotten the eye roll when we were children, but research suggests it makes sound sense.  Why does posture matter? Posture refers to the body’s alignment and positioning with respect to gravity. Good posture helps distribute the force of gravity through the […]

  • Yoga in office: four moves to heal neck and shoulder pain

    Yoga in office: four moves to heal neck and shoulder pain

    Long hours at your desk may be rewarded with a great appraisal, but on the flip side, a sedentary lifestyle takes its toll on your health. Complaints of neck, shoulder and back pain are common. But these posture-related problems can easily be tackled, without leaving your desk with these simple ‘yoga in office’ stretches. For […]