Tag: Dhokla

  • Top 6 Unique Fermented Indian Superfoods

    Top 6 Unique Fermented Indian Superfoods

    In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of gut health and its impact on overall well-being. One fascinating aspect of gut health lies in the world of fermented foods, which have been consumed for centuries in various cultures. Among the diverse array of fermented foods, Indian cuisine boasts a treasure […]

  • Traditional Indian probiotics that are good for you

    Traditional Indian probiotics that are good for you

    Indian Probiotics? Well, say the word ‘germs’ or ‘bacteria’ and people are likely to think ‘disease’. But scientific research has in recent years established that there are good bacteria, too, and that they are essential for the efficient functioning of our body. Known as probiotics, which means ‘for life’, these microorganisms are widely prevalent in our […]