7 tips to lose weight with thyroid

Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram
September 16, 2020
Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram
September 16, 2020
Located above the Adam’s apple, the thyroid gland has a huge impact on bodily functions. This butterfly-shaped gland produces the thyroid hormone, which regulates the body’s heartbeat, metabolism, and temperature.
An under-active or overactive thyroid can affect your body. An under-active gland produces too little of the hormone causing hypothyroidism; an overactive one produces way too much leading to hyperthyroidism. Research has shown that women are 10 times more likely than men to have a thyroid problem.
What leads to a dysfunctional thyroid gland? The reasons could be one of many: genetics, pregnancy, stress, an autoimmune attack, nutritional deficiencies or toxins in the environment.
Weight gain seems to be a given with thyroid disorders, especially hypothyroidism. The slowing metabolism contributes to the weight as well. How do you ensure that you don’t put on the kilos? Losing weight with any disease, be it thyroid or Hashimoto’s, isn’t easy. But it can be done. Try our top tips to lose weight with thyroid:
Much has been made of small meals distributed through the day. They work especially well in people with hypothyroidism as the disorder tends to slow digestive function. Smaller and more frequent meals with balanced macronutrients support balanced blood sugar.
Go for a moderate- to the low-carbohydrate diet that’s rich in complex carbohydrates such as starchy vegetables and legumes and shuns simple sugars. A Harvard Medical School report states that consuming complex carbohydrates and avoiding simple carbs can help reduce the production of cytokines, tiny proteins that can influence inflammation in the body. This is the ideal thyroid diet for weight loss.
You may be worried about your weight but it’s not wise to cut down your calorie content drastically. Experts stress the importance of eating enough calories as too few calories can cause a stress response and lead to a drop in T3 production.
Ensure that your hormonal system gets back in gear by providing your body with proper nutrition. The diet for thyroid patients should include foods that balance hormones. Try foods with good fats, since they are the raw material for hormone production. Foods to pick include ghee, butter, seeds, coconut oil, quinoa and whole eggs.
Hypothyroidism may lead to joint aches, pains, and depression, and anti-inflammatory foods can help ease those by soothing the immune system. Put tomatoes, fatty fish, leafy green vegetables, nuts, fruit, and olive oil on your shopping list and see the difference they make to your health.
We all know that exercise can make you happy and help you beat stress. Regular exercise along with a healthy diet is the only way to burn calories and keep your hormones humming. But ensure that you’re never fatigued when you begin your workout; if you are, skip the workout that day.
The thyroid medication should be taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning with plenty of water. Never club it with other medicines and wait for at least 30 minutes before getting yourself your morning cuppa or breakfast. Also, try not to skip your medication.
enjoyed the article & in particular the tips on eating the correct food for thyroid health, Thanks.
My friend is having a thyroid problem and I am satisfied with the answer to share with her. Thank you for sharing this.
Information share in the post is very useful. your experience based on weight loss is motivate to others
Information share in the post is very useful. your experience based on weight loss is motivate to others
Such a nice post.Thanks for sharing such a useful information with us.Thyroid is really very serious problem.
The thyroid is the really serious issue. Such a great article. You shared very informative tips here, every thing is very well explained. I’ll definitely keep all the things in my mind. Thank you so much once again. Regards.
Very well listed as thyroid is a serious issue any must be taken care of it as early as possible. Great work Thank you.
Thanks for the tips !
What a pleasure to find someone who idenfities the issues so clearly
I did not train during my final one, will try to go for a stroll
not less than 2 times this time.