November 2022

Buttermilk's Weight And Cholesterol-Reducing Properties 

By Parul Dube

Buttermilk, a delicious drink that can be made at home with ingredients readily available in the kitchen, effectively reduces obesity and cholesterol because of the following reasons.

Regulates brown adipogenesis

Brown adipose tissue is essential for weight loss because it burns energy. Hence Buttermilk regulates brown adipogenesis and becomes an anti-obesity drink.

 It can be added in a  calorie deficit diet

The simplest methods for accelerating weight loss are calorie deficit diets. Therefore, with only 40 calories per 100 g, buttermilk is an ideal drink for weight loss diets.

A Processed Snack Replacement

As per research, replacing protein and fat with carbohydrates can help people lose weight. 

Low in Saturated Fats

Only 0.5g of saturated fats are present in 100g of buttermilk. As a result of their low content of saturated fat they aid in lowering cholesterol levels.

Reduces Cholesterol Absorption

Brown adipose tissue is essential for weight loss because it burns energy. Hence Buttermilk regulates brown adipogenesis and becomes an anti-obesity drink.

Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM) reduces Cholesterol

MFGM lipids lower blood cholesterol and inflammation. Since buttermilk is high in MFGM lipids, it aids in cholesterol reduction.

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