November 2022

Top 7 Benefits of Adding Saffron to Food

By Aditi Shenai

Saffron contains vitamins, minerals, and protein and has a high nutritional value, making it useful for treating a variety of health conditions like the following.

Saffron is High in Antioxidants

Saffron contains potent antioxidants that help the body reduce oxidative stress, which is good for your health. Additionally, they function as an antidepressant and aid in weight loss, and inflammation reduction.

Reduces Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms (PMS)

Women between the ages of 20 and 45 can reduce their PMS symptoms by using saffron. For instance, the premenstrual syndrome system significantly improves after taking 30 mg of saffron.

Helps Improve Mood and Fights Depression

As per study,  saffron extracts help people with their depressive symptoms and may boost their resistance to problems brought on by stress. As a result, saffron is effective at elevating mood.

Can Help Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

Saffron's antioxidant and anti-amyloid genetic properties make it an effective treatment for mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease.

Reduces the Risk of Heart Diseases

According to a study, saffron tea contains antioxidants that can lower the risk of developing cardiovascular or heart diseases. 

Can Help Prevent Obesity

Saffron extracts are effective as a herbal anti-obesity remedy because they reduce calorie intake by preventing the digestion of dietary fat and also help to reduce food intake by enhancing satiety.

Offers Skin Benefits

Saffron is a fantastic treatment for a variety of skin problems due to its antioxidant and anti-microbial properties. 

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