May 2023

High Fibre Foods You Should Eat Daily

Having a high-fibre diet increases your lifespan, gives you radiant skin and makes you feel full, helping better weight management along with facilitating regular bowel movements. Here are the top 10 high-fibre foods that you can eat daily.

Flaxseeds  1 tbsp of flaxseeds contain up to two grams of fibre. Sprinkle a teaspoon of ground flaxseeds on your cereal or yogurt every morning to improve the absorption of nutrients. . 

Beans and Legumes You can eat lentils, kidney beans, edamame, navy beans, chickpeas, and black beans. These beans provide between 10 and 40% Dietary Value of fibre. 

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Whole Grain Bread One slice of true whole-grain bread has over 4 or 5 grams of fibre. Fortified whole-grain bread comes with over 10 grams of fibre per slice. 

Steel Cut Oats Steel-cut oats offer double the amount of fibre than rolled oats. You get around 4.1 grams per 1/4 cup, which is 15% DV.  

Almonds  Raw,or unroasted almonds contain nearly 4 grams of fibre and 7 grams of protein per quarter-cup serving . You can add them to your oatmeal, salad, smoothie, or yoghurt for an ample dose of fibre in your day. 

Seeds  Chia, flax, or pomegranate seeds are superfoods packed with fibre. Sprinkle a spoonful of these nutrient-rich seeds into salad, smoothies, or yoghurt to reap the maximum benefits. 

Peas A cup of boiled peas contains 8.6 grams of fibre, most of which is insoluble. This type of fibre draws water from your intestines into your food, making you feel fuller faster and for longer

Fresh Fruits  Here are some fibre-rich fruits: – Apple – Pears – Oranges   Figs  – Banana  – Avocado

Fresh Vegetables  Some of the most fibrous vegetables are – Broccoli  – Sweet potato – Carrots   Russet potato  – Artichoke hearts 

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