June 2022

Apple Cider Vinegar for Blood Pressure

By Hiral Patel

ACV (apple cider vinegar) is a common ingredient in many households. Including it in your routine, interestingly, benefits your body. Here are some of the various benefits of ACV.

Lower blood pressure

Despite its ability to help cure a variety of health conditions, apple cider vinegar plays a tricky role in blood pressure management.

Treat skin conditions

Apple cider vinegar can be a great addition to your homemade skincare recipes. It is an antibacterial exfoliant that balances the pH of oily and acne-prone skin.

Boosts Hair Health

According to research, apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties. Along with its naturally low pH, apple cider vinegar's antimicrobial properties help your hair fight bacteria.

Natural food preservative 

Any vinegar, including apple cider vinegar, kills pathogens, including harmful bacteria. 


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