Web Stories – 10 Health Benefits of Mulberries

Sarah Gaur
February 2, 2022
Sarah Gaur
February 2, 2022
Here we go round the mulberry bush”- we grew up listening to the nursery rhyme that we all love.. But what are mulberries? Mulberries are the fruits of the mulberry trees. There are three species of mulberries based on their colour- white, red and black mulberry. They are related to figs and breadfruit and are usually available from March to May and October to November.
Grown in Asia and North America for their leaves, mulberry leaves are the only food that silkworms eat. Traditional medicine included mulberries for the natural treatment of many health conditions. Wine, fruit juice, tea, jam, and canned foods also use mulberries extensively. You can also use them as a dried snack.