Tag: spinach

  • The Green Powerhouse: Spinach and Its Health Benefits

    The Green Powerhouse: Spinach and Its Health Benefits

    Spinach, often hailed as a green powerhouse, is more than just a leafy vegetable. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, spinach has made its way into kitchens worldwide. Scientifically known as Spinacia oleracea, it traces its roots to Persia but has become a global favourite. Leading producers like the USA and China ensure its…

  • Top 10 Heart-Healthy Foods You Must Include in Your Diet!

    Top 10 Heart-Healthy Foods You Must Include in Your Diet!

    It is a no-brainer that your diet should consist of healthy foods. However, did you know that certain healthy foods specifically target your heart? Heart-healthy foods are nutritious as a whole. In particular, they strive for the proper functioning of the heart.  As of recent studies, if you want to know the cause of one…

  • 7 Healthy Foods to Improve Digestion

    7 Healthy Foods to Improve Digestion

    We often hear people complain of pain in the stomach caused by undigested food. Most times, the pain subsides within a day or two. But what causes the food to go undigested? Indigestion is usually caused due to functional problem of the gastrointestinal tract. Indigestion is also caused by certain medical conditions and lifestyle factors.…

  • Healthy green Goodness: Sarson ka Saag

    Healthy green Goodness: Sarson ka Saag

    It may be the tail end of the season for sarson ka saag (mustard greens with spinach) but it isn’t too late for you to enjoy its healthy green goodness. The main ingredient mustard leaves are rich in anti-cancer nutrients and also help lower blood cholesterol levels. Spinach is a good source of fiber and…

  • Top eight cholesterol busting foods

    Top eight cholesterol busting foods

    When the samosas and pakodas you enjoy on rainy days start showing in your blood reports, you know it is time to take stock. High cholesterol is a major risk factor for developing heart disease which kills three times more people than breast cancer and twice as many as lung cancer. Popping pills is easy…