Author: Anisha Mishra
How to Build Strong Calf Muscles
What sets a great physique apart from a good one? A superb set of thick diamond-shaped calves. Muscular calves aren’t just only for the looks they provide. Strong calves can help support and stabilise your body during lifts such as the Deadlift and Squat, and during almost every sport. In fact, unless you’ve got calves…
The Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2016
Keen to get your weight loss or strengthening program in order before the New Year rolls in? Let the American College of Sports Medicine’s fitness trend forecast for 2016 guide you. While you don’t need to follow it with a blind eye, the list could guide you to a healthier path. The results, published in the…
It’s World Bikini Day. Are you swimsuit ready?
Time to tone up, change your diet and get your body swimsuit ready. It’s World Bikini Day on July 5, and whether you’re stripping down and stepping out in a one piece or two, our diet and exercise tips will help you do it with confidence. Here’s how you can prepare to go bare: Tackle…
DIY massage for sore muscles
Is your hectic schedule taking its toll on your body? Do you find it hard to get through the day after a workout because of those sore muscles? You probably need a massage, which eases inflammation, improves blood flow and reduces muscle tightness. But since most of us can’t fit a session with a masseur…
How you can get a body like Deepika Padukone
She doesn’t drink, works out first thing in the morning, loads up on fruits and vegetables every two hours and works off any extra kilos she’s put on immediately. It’s now wonder actress Deepika Padukone is in such great shape, and by following her rules, and my workout plan, you can get a body like…